Difference Between Tone and Strength (With Table)

The terms ‘tone’ and ‘strength’ are the two terms related to muscle. Hence, the terms can be said as muscle tone and muscle strength. Often these two terms are asked by the parents to a physiotherapist, for their child’s muscle tone and muscle strength. But, many people still do not know that both the meanings of the terms differ from each other.

Tone vs Strength

The main difference between tone and strength is that the term tone refers to the total tension that is collected in the muscle of a child while it is relaxing. On the other hand, Strength refers to the ability to collect the power of the muscle by the continuous active actions of pull, push, lift or move. The muscle tone controls the ability of posture or stability of the child’s body. And, on the other hand, muscle strength controls the ability to strengthen the child’s muscles through various physical activities.

The muscle tone is defined as the quantity of tension that is present inside a child’s muscle when it is in a relaxing or resting position. The muscle tone controls the ability of posture and stability of a child’s body. The defective muscle tone is further divided into two types and they are hypertonia and hypotonia. These tones are managed by the signals that are released from the brain. Also, the muscle tone of a child is resolved at birth.

On the other hand, muscle strength is defined as the collective energy that is present in a child’s body to accomplish various kinds of activities. The muscle strength controls the strengthening of the child’s muscles by various physical activities such as daily exercises, yoga, etc. The muscle strength should always increase and not degrade. Regular physical activities increase the muscle strength that allows the body of a child to maintain a normal tone.

Comparison Table Between Tone and Strength

Parameters of Comparison




Muscle tone is the total tightness of the muscles in a child’s physique.

Muscle strength is the total spirit that is present in the muscles of a child.

The specialty of the respective muscles

The muscle tone controls the body posture and stability of a child.

The muscle strength controls the strengthening of the child’s body muscles by various physical activities.

Determination of the respective muscles

The muscle tone is resolute right after the child’s birth, whether the child has a high, low, or normal tone.

The muscle strength is build up by performing various physical activities in a child’s body.

Conscious or Unconscious Element

The muscle tone is defined or concluded as an unconscious element of the body.

Muscle strength is defined or concluded as a conscious element of the body.

Occurrence of muscle

The muscle tone occurs because generally, some motor units shrink when some muscles are in the relaxed position.

The muscle strength occurs because of the intake of protein and further this protein is infused into the cells in different parts of the body.


The muscle tone includes mainly two types of diseases such as hypertonia and hypotonia.

The muscle strength mainly includes diseases such as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), muscular dystrophy, and Multiple Sclerosis (MS).

What is Tone?

Tone refers to the collection of tightness that is collected inside a child’s muscle when it is in the sleeping position. An appropriate tone of muscles is very important for a child’s body. Since we know the growth or development of a body starts from the day a child is born. Hence it is important to have the correct or normal tone of muscles. The muscle tone is very much responsible for the body posture and stability of a child. If this body posture and stability is not normal and hence it is termed to be abnormal or defective muscle tone.

The tone is resolute immediately after the birth of a baby, whether the baby has a high, low, or normal tone. These high and low tone is commonly addressed as the diseases such as hypertonia and hypotonia. Hypertonia muscle tone occurs when the muscles are in a tensed position, and it becomes rigid and hard and causes difficulty to move. Whereas, hypotonia muscle occurs when the muscles are in a too relaxed position, and it becomes saggy and soft and causes difficulty to move or maintain stability.

The muscle tone is also concluded as an unconscious element of a body. It only occurs when the motor units of a body shrink when it is in a chilling position. If any defective is seen then one should immediately seek a physiotherapist.

What is Strength?

Strength refers to the capacity of carrying out diverse activities with the help of its energy. Strength is collected by doing some physical activities. The correct amount of muscle strength is important in a child, as to perform physical activities. Without strength, one feels tired or lazy to perform daily activities. In short muscle strength is the relationship between the nerves and the muscles. This shrinkage of muscles stores the energy in the muscles and hence it is converted into strength.

The strength muscle is termed to be a conscious element of the body. This is because it is always in a conscious state. The muscle strength should always be expanded. One should perform various exercises or yoga to strengthen its strong growth.

The muscle strength occurs only because of the protein riched food intake and physical exercises, which are infused in the muscle cells for growth and development. Muscle strength is important for our body because it allows the body to be active and strong, it also automatically enhances the mood of a person. Muscle strength mainly includes diseases such as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), muscular dystrophy, and Multiple Sclerosis (MS). If one sees any abnormality in the muscle, one should immediately seek help from doctors.

Main Differences Between Tone and Strength

  1. Muscle tone is the total tightness of the muscles in a child’s body. On the other hand, muscle strength is the total spirit that is present in the muscles of a child.
  2. The muscle tone controls the body posture and stability of a child. On the other hand, muscle strength controls the strengthening of the child’s body muscles through various physical activities.
  3. The muscle tone is resolute right after the child’s birth, whether the child has a high, low, or normal tone. On the other hand, muscle strength is build up by performing various physical activities in a child’s body.
  4. The muscle tone is defined or concluded as an unconscious element of the body. On the other hand, muscle strength is defined or concluded as a conscious element of the body.
  5. The muscle tone occurs because generally, some motor units shrink when some muscles are in the relaxed position. On the other hand, muscle strength occurs because of the intake of protein, and further this protein is infused into the cells in different parts of the body.
  6. The muscle tone includes mainly two types of diseases such as hypertonia and hypotonia. On the other hand, muscle strength mainly includes diseases such as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), muscular dystrophy, and Multiple Sclerosis (MS).


Tone and Strength are the two terms that are related to the muscle. Generally, these terms are asked to a physiotherapist regarding a child’s growth and development. The tension that is collected in a muscle, when in a relaxing position is termed as tone. Whereas, the energy that is collected in the muscles to perform various physical activities is known as strength. These terms differ in many aspects such as the specific characteristics of the muscles, their determination, occurrence, relating diseases, etc. If there is any kind of defectiveness in any of the muscles then one should seek a physiotherapist. The physiotherapist immediately starts various therapies to cure the diseases.


  1. https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jpts/25/5/25_jpts-2012-396/_article/-char/ja/