Difference Between Lime and Lemon Tree (With Table)

Lime and lemon trees may sound similar but eventually, they are not. No doubt that lime and lemon are enriched and highly acidic citrus fruits but they not only differ in appearance but they have different properties. Both of these fruits have nutritional qualities but the lime and lemon trees vary from each other in various aspects.

Lime vs Lemon Tree

The main difference between lime and lemon tree is that lime tree is generally shorter and slender and would not be able to grow more than 13 feet and this would be considered as its fullest height. On the contrary, the lemon tree is a keen-shaped citrus tree with substantial skin. The fullest height of the lemon tree can reach up to 20 feet with 4 to 5 inches of leaves.

The Lime tree is a citrus tree with shorter and rounded leaves, which are nearly three to four inches in length. It is comparatively shorter and grows to nearly 13 inches as its fullest length. The smell of lime leaves is typically a bold smell of lime and they grow in small groups with an entirely white appearance. The fruit on a lime tree is named ‘lime’ which is rounded and thin-skinned.

The lemon tree is also a citron tree that stands as keen-shaped on both of its ends. The leaves of this tree are comparatively large nearly five inches long accompanied by a citrus scent. This tree bear lemon fruit which is also keen-shaped with substantial skin. Flowers of the lemon tree are grown or develop in pairs or single and purple in appearance.

Comparison Table Between Lime and Lemon Tree

Parameters of Comparison

Lime Tree

Lemon Tree

Height of tree

It can develop up to 13 feet

It can develop up to 20 feet


lime, which is rounded and greenish in color

lemon, which is Football-shaped and slightly elliptical


emit a lime scent and develop nearly three to four inches in length

emit strong lemon smell and grown about five inches in length

What is it?

The Lime tree is a citrus tree with shorter and rounded leaves, which are nearly three to four inches in length.

The lemon tree is also a citron tree that stands as keen-shaped on both of its ends.


Lime tree bark has a slight lime scent

No perceptible smell is observed

What is Lime Tree?

The lime tree is a citron tree that bears the acidic and citrus fruit called lime. Lime is rounded and greenish with thinner skin and is considered a good source of vitamin C and rich in calcium. This tree is comparatively shorter and commonly developed or grown up to 6 to 13 feet to its fullest. Lime tree flowers are white accompanied with a tinge of purple appearance which gives them a similar look to lemon tree flowers. The lime flowers may vary from grown as white and cluster together. You may notice lime smell in the flowers.

The lime tree is the bearer of lime fruit which have the following specifications:

  1. Vitamin C- 29mg per 100g
  2. Magnesium- 6mg per 100g
  3. Vitamin A- 50 IU per 100g
  4. Potassium- 102mg per 100g
  5. Phosphorus- 18mg per 100g
  6. Calcium- 33mg per 100g

What is Lemon Tree?

The lemon tree is a citron tree that bears the acidic and citrus fruit called lemon. Lemon is football-shaped and slightly elliptical with pointed ends. This tree is tall and majorly developed or grown up to 20 feet to its fullest height. Lemon tree flowers are quite similar to lime flowers. The flowers are purplish tint and developed in single or pairs and appeared different from the lime flowers clusters. The scent or fragrance of the lemon flowers is strong. The lemon trees have long and narrow leaves which are nearly five inches long.

Lemon trees is the bearer of lemon fruit which is sour and has the following specifications:

  1. Vitamin C- 53mg per 100g
  2. Magnesium- 8mg per 100g
  3. Vitamin A- 22 IU per 100g
  4. Potassium- 138mg per 100g
  5. Phosphorus- 16mg per 100g
  6. Calcium- 26mg per 100g

Main Differences Between Lime and Lemon Tree

  1. Lime and lemon tree are quite confusing terms. The Lime tree is a citrus tree with shorter and rounded leaves, which are nearly three to four inches in length. On the contrary, The lemon tree is also a citron tree that stands as keen-shaped on both of its ends.
  2. Lime and lemon trees seem to be quite similar to each other and generally have similar bark textures. Although there are a few factors or properties which create the difference between these two. The size or the height of the tree is an important factor in differentiating between lime and lemon tree. The lime tree can develop or grown commonly from 6 feet to 13 feet at its fullest. On the contrary, the lemon tree is comparatively taller than a lime tree and can develop up to 20 feet at its fullest.
  3. Lime and lemon tree are citron trees and bear the highly acidic citrus fruit. The lime tree bear ‘lime’ fruit which is rounded and greenish. The size of lime is smaller than lemon. On the other side, the lemon tree bears ‘lemon’ fruit which is Football-shaped and slightly elliptical. Both of these fruits are quite different in appearance. Lemons are bright yellow and limes are dark green.
  4. Although, lime and lemon tree have quite similar leaves but the size or the length of the leaves vary to that of the size of the tree. Leaves of the lime trees are rounded and shorter, which is approximately three to four inches in length. On the other side, lemon tree leaves are quite narrow and nearly five inches long. The leaves of these plants smell similar to that of their fruit. Lime leaves have a bold lime smell while the lemon leaf has a strong odor or scent of lemon.
  5. Differentiating between lime and lemon tree is quite tricky but with correct knowledge, you can recognize them within seconds. The bark of such trees is also a useful factor that can be used to determine whether the tree is lime or lemon. Lime tree bark has a slight lime scent while lemon tree does not have a perceptible smell of lemon.


Lime and lemon tree both are citron trees and bear lime and lemon fruits respectively, which are highly acidic citrus fruits in nature. With correct knowledge, one can easily distinguish the difference between these two trees based on their size or height, leaves, flower, bark, fruit etc. The fruits of these trees are commonly used for various purposes. Lime contains more vitamin A and on the other hand, lemons are a rich source of vitamin C. The lime tree is comparatively shorter than the lemon tree and the leaves of these trees have a smell of their respective fruits. In a nutshell, it can be concluded that lime and lemon trees are significantly important.


  1. https://www.mdpi.com/692094
  2. https://www.scielo.br/j/sa/a/dNNV8S7HLdvc9WVmW7Q4f5M/abstract/?lang=en