Difference Between Hydrolysis and Dehydration Synthesis (With Table)

Distinctive chemical responses happen in the body consistently, and they can be gathered by the properties that they have. In certain responses, things are made, and they are called anabolic responses or reactions, while catabolic responses or reactions allude to those responses wherein atoms are separated.

Chemical responses can be arranged into various groups as indicated by the properties of those responses. Dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis are such compound responses that are sorted by their component. Both these reactions include either combination or utilization of water atoms.

Hydrolysis vs Dehydration Synthesis

The main difference between hydrolysis and dehydration synthesis is that dehydration synthesis is the arrangement of a bigger atom with the arrival of water particles, while hydrolysis is the cleavage of a compound bond within sight of water.

Hydrolysis is the response wherein the substance bond is separated, and water is available. In this cycle, water goes about as a reactant, and the eventual outcome is the breakage of the connection between two amino acids or carbs. The reactants are intricate particles that separate to shape more modest and less unpredictable atoms.

Dehydration synthesis is about a cycle where bigger particles are produced using more modest ones, and water is delivered. Two more modest atoms combine in a covalent bond development, and with each bond arrangement, a water particle is delivered. Thus, the last compound that is shaped after this interaction is a particle that is more unpredictable than the reactant atom.

Comparision Table Between Hydrolysis and Dehydration Synthesis

Parameters of Comparison


Dehydration Synthesis


Hydrolysis is the cleavage of a compound bond within sight of water.

Dehydration synthesis is the arrangement of a bigger atom with the arrival of water particles.


It is the decomposition reaction.

It is the combination reaction.

Water Molecules

It results in a combination of water molecules.

It results in the formation of water molecules.


Their products are less complex molecules than their reactants.

Their products are bigger molecules than their reactants.


It does not give any byproducts.

Water molecules are given as byproducts.

What is Hydrolysis?

Hydrolysis is the response wherein the synthetic bond is cut, and water is available. In this interaction, water goes about as a reactant, and the end-product is the breakage of the connection between two amino acids or sugars. The reactants are intricate particles that separate to frame more modest and less complex atoms.

Hydrolysis of an ester can be utilized to act as an illustration of a hydrolysis response. In this response, liquor and carboxylic corrosive both get H and OH from the water atom, and they structure their individual bases.

Along these lines, a bigger atom is part into more modest particles. Water assumes the part of a reactant, and this response is something contrary to a buildup response. Hydrolysis is the significant response that happens in the body during the processing of bigger macromolecules to more modest monomers. Food particles are separated into more modest atoms, which are then utilized for energy.

It is the cleavage of a compound bond within sight of water. Here, water goes about as a reactant that is engaged with the response interaction. In hydrolysis responses, an enormous particle is constantly separated into more modest atoms. Hence, the reactants consistently incorporate a complex particle in contrast to items. In these responses, a water atom is added to the reactant particle, which causes the cleavage of a substance bond present around there.

What is Dehydration Synthesis?

Dehydration synthesis is the interaction where bigger particles are produced using more modest ones, and water is delivered. Two more modest particles consolidate in a covalent bond arrangement, and with each bond development, a water atom is delivered. Along these lines, the last compound that is shaped after this interaction is an atom that is more complex than the reactant particle.

This response happens between those atoms that have a proton accessible and furthermore have a hydroxyl particle. It can likewise be known as a buildup response as water is shaped. In the body, these responses are utilized for framing complex macromolecules.

An illustration of dehydration synthesis blend is the development of the ester by the holding of liquor and carboxylic corrosive. In this response, a water particle is delivered, which gets its H from liquor and OH from a carboxylic corrosive.

Basic instances of dehydration synthesis are the development of glycosidic security, which is framed between two starches, and the arrangement of a peptide bond, which is shaped between two amino acids.

Main Differences Between Hydrolysis and Dehydration Synthesis

  1. Hydrolysis is the cleavage of a compound bond within sight of water, whereas dehydration synthesis is the arrangement of a bigger atom with the arrival of water particles.
  2. Hydrolysis is the decomposition reaction, whereas dehydration synthesis is a combination reaction.
  3. Hydrolysis results in a combination of water molecules, while dehydration synthesis results in the formation of water molecules.
  4. Hydrolysis products are less complex molecules than their reactants, while dehydration synthesis products are bigger molecules than their reactants.
  5. Hydrolysis does not give any byproducts, while water molecules are given as byproducts in case of dehydration synthesis.


The contrast between dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis is that in one, bonds are being framed, while in different bonds are being obliterated. Drying out combination bonds particles together by eliminating water. In hydrolysis, water is added to the atoms to disintegrate those securities. Drying out union and hydrolysis perform two distinct positions with regards to macromolecules or polymers. Polymers are atoms connected together covalently at the point when water is deducted from the synthetic condition. Little particles, or monomers, bond together to shape polymers.

Distinctive chemical responses happen in the body consistently, and they can be gathered by the properties that they have. In certain responses, things are made, and they are called anabolic responses or reactions, while catabolic responses or reactions allude to those responses wherein atoms are separated. Chemical responses can be arranged into various groups as indicated by the properties of those responses. Dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis are such compound responses. These responses are sorted by their component. Both these reactions include either combination or utilization of water atoms.


  1. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acssuschemeng.6b00377
  2. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11244-018-1049-4