Difference Between Standard Time and Normal Time (With Table)

The business world is full of targets. It also needs to have a close tab on the deadlines. The deadlines may be an End of the day or a week or a month or sometimes pointed at the specific time. The Industrial Engineers and Work-study officers make use of the Standard time and Normal time for the Work Measurement.

Standard Time vs Normal Time

The main difference between Standard time and Normal time is that Normal time is the time when work should be done without any delays. Standard time is the time taken by the worker to complete the work with some unavoidable delays.

Every industry carries out the process of Work measurement. The work measurement is the process of calculating the time that a person would take while performing a task, with respect to different levels of performance.

Normal time also called as the base time or levelled time is the time that a trained worker needs to complete the task at a normal pace. The Standard time is the time taken by an employee to complete the work with 100% efficiency having some unavoidable situations leading to delays.


Comparison Table Between Standard Time and Normal Time (in Tabular Form)

Parameter of Comparison

Standard Time

Normal Time


The standard time involves the allowances that are paid to the employees.

The normal time does not involve any type of allowances that are usually paid to the workers.

Time constraints

There are not much time constraints when a person is working under Standard Time.

The deadlines are to be strictly followed here to complete the work.


The standard time is always dependent on the normal time or the base time.

The normal time is never dependent on the standard time.

Factors involved in calculations

The factors that determine the standard time are: normal time, allowances, fatigue.

The normal time is determined from the observed time and rating factor.

Stress management

The employee will not be subjected to high levels of stress

The employee has to undergo stress during the course of work.


What is Standard Time?

The standard time is the term more often used in the industrial engineering for the purpose of Work Management. The standard time involves an average labour to work in normal pace and to complete the specific tasks using a prescribed method. To make the person to recover from the fatigue because of the work, the standard time will include the appropriate allowances. It also involves the additional allowances to cover the contingent elements that had never been observed though it would have happened.

There are techniques in order to determine the Standard time. They are:

  1. Tone Study
  2. Work Sampling
  3. Standard Data system
  4. Predetermined Motion Time System

The formula used in the calculations of standard time is:

Standard Time = Basic Time + Allowances


Standard Time = (Observed time * Performance Rating) (1 + PFD allowance)

  1. The observed time is the time taken by the employee to complete the task.
  2. The Performance rating is based on the experience of the worker. An experienced worker will be assigned to observe and calculate it.
  3. There are times of fatigue which may result in the delay of the work. The PFD allowance is the adjustment that is done to the normal time  to compensate the time lost because of the fatigue.

What is Normal Time?

The Normal time is the strictest follower of schedule.

The formula used in the calculations of the Normal time is:

Normal time = (Observed time X Performance Rating)/100


Normal Time = (Standard Time – Allowances)

The normal time is devoid of the allowances. Because allowances are provided only when there are unavailable delays. But these types of delays are not allowed in the normal time. The worker has to complete the work without any delays. Hence, these allowances need not be provided to those workers. There are three types of allowances. They are:

  1. Relaxation allowance,
  2. Interference allowance, and
  3. Contingency allowance

The relaxation allowance provides the employees with an allowance in order to make him recover from fatigue. This does not happen in Normal time. A worker would get an interference allowance only when he had been made to work under poor environmental conditions. But in normal times the worker has to work irrespective of the environmental conditions he is working.

The contingency allowance is given when the delay is caused by any breakage of tools or power failure resulting in halt of the work. It may also involve some legitimate things that might cause the delay. In normal time, there are no chances to portray these delays.

Main Differences Between Standard Time and Normal Time

For a specific task following conclusion can be drawn

  1. Normal Time is always lower than Standard Time
  2. To set Standard Time of a job, you must add allowances to Basic Time (normal time). This is not required in case of Normal time
  3. The workers in standard time will have an extra pay. But the workers in normal time will not have any extra payment
  4. There is relaxation for the workers working in standard time, but there is no such relaxations for a person who is working in Normal time
  5. The employees will be physically and emotionally strong after the completion of the work, when working in standard time. But an employee who worked under the normal time will be subjected to stress



The process of calculation of time involves many processes. The time study is always carried out in many industries. The time study is done for many of the industrial operations which may be manual or mental or machining processes. The time study is carried out in order to determine the wages and the incentives that are to be given to the employee.

Hence, the hours and the pace of a worker play a major role in his salary. Also, it gives an insight for the industrialists about the time of completion of the work. Hence, the use of the standard time and normal time are integral parts of industrial performance.


  1. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_time_(manufacturing)
  2. https://www.wisdomjobs.com/e-university/production-and-operations-manageme