Difference Between 88 and 76 Keys Piano Keyboards

The piano has been accepted overtime as a delightful musical instrument that can be enjoyed by all. Not only listening to its music, learning how to play the piano is a fun activity, as well. However, it takes patience and perseverance in order to effectively learn the art of piano playing. For a beginner, determining the type of piano to use might be a bit confusing because there are different types of pianos comprising of 88 keys and 76 keys piano keyboard. If you need to purchase a piano and is quite hesitant as to which of the two to purchase, then read on. This article seeks to shed some light upon the type of piano that may suit one’s requirements best. 

What is an 88 Keyboard Piano?

An 88 keyboard piano has 7 1/3 octaves which makes it similar to an acoustic piano. This type of keyboard is used by master pianists who usually play classical or complex music. An 88 key piano has all the octaves that a pianist needs with both the bass and treble keys being present, as well. This type of keyboard is expensive and, therefore, one might need to consider whether he or she requires the full use of it. For a beginner who desires to make it as a professional pianist one day, an 88 keyboard piano would be the ideal instrument.

What is a 76 Keys Piano?

A 76 keys piano only has 6 1/3 octaves as it lacks the bass and treble octaves. The keys that are missing in a 76 keys piano are those found on the left most part and right most parts of the 88 piano keyboards and never the keys in the middle. Most individuals have no idea which keys are missing with this type of keyboard. 76 keys piano is ideal for playing R&B, pop, rock and ballad songs and is perfect for those who have no desire to practice piano playing professionally but merely indulge in it as a hobby.

Difference between 88 and 76 Keys Piano Keyboards

 Whatever the needs be, it is advised to try out the different piano keys first before making the final choice. The following differences may aid interested individuals in making the right choice.

  • 88 keyboard pianos have 7 1/3 octaves like an acoustic piano. 76 keys piano has 6 1/3 octaves. Bass and treble octaves are not available in a 76 keys piano.
  • 88 keyboard pianos are ideal for those who wish to practice piano playing professionally. 76 keys piano is sufficient for those who indulge in piano playing as a hobby.
  • 88 keyboard pianos are more expensive than 76 keyboard pianos.


In Brief:

1. Both 88 and 76 keys pianos are ideal for piano practicing and would depend on the user and his or her expertise.

2. Both types of piano keyboards can be used by beginners.

3. The 88 keyboard can play classical songs and complex songs while the 76 keyboard is good for modern rock and pop songs.

4. 88 keys span a good 7 1/3 octaves. However, 76 keys features only 6 1/3 octaves.

5. For someone who wants to play the piano professionally, an 88 keys piano is good. On the other hand, the 76 keys are best for those who just want to have fun with piano.