Difference Between a Locust and a Cicada (With Table)

Cicadas and locusts both have wings, but locusts can fly considerably farther distances. Both of these animals are plant eaters and deposit eggs. They are both quite loud and appear in large bunches. Cicadas and locusts are not violent toward humans. However, it may appear that way if you get in the way of a huge number of them flying! Cicadas and Locusts are not the same, even though the terms have been incorrectly used interchangeably since Cicadas were first identified in North America. These two insects have certain characteristics in common.

Locust vs Cicada

The main difference between a locust and a cicada is that Orthoptera is the name of the order to which Locusts belong, which also contains grasshoppers, Locusts, and crickets. However, on the contrary, Hemiptera is the name of the order to which Cicadas belong. True Bug is another name for it. Aphids are related to Cicadas and belong to the same order. Plague is what happens when a large number of locusts congregate. Brood is the name given to a group of Cicadas.

Locusts are grasshoppers with short horns that belong to the Acrididae family. Locusts are approximately four inches long. Some do, however, have a length of 0.5 inches. Locusts are herbivores that feed on the soft parts of plants, which is why they are so harmful to plants. Locusts have a one-year life expectancy. Locusts live for around a year on average. Lengthy hind legs, larger rear wings, and a long body distinguish Locusts from other insects.

Cicadas are members of the Cicadidae family. Simple and compound eyes, membrane wings, prominent eyes, and a sound-making bug are all characteristics. Cicadas have a length of around 2 inches and a width of about 0.5 inches. Cicadas are also herbivores, sucking all of the moisture from the roots, stems, and branches. Cicadas can live for up to seventeen years, which is known as their lifespan. Cicadas are distinguished by their larger front wings, clear wings, large eyes, and small body.

Comparison Table Between a Locust and a Cicada

Parameters of Comparison



Order name



Family Name




Four inches in length, sometimes with 0.5 inches length, also exist.

2 inches long and 0.5 inches in breadth.


Soft parts of plants.

Liquid from roots, the vascular system of stems and branches.

Collectively known as




Up to One year.

Up to 17 years.

Distinctive Features

Long hind legs, bigger rear wings, long body.

Bigger front wings, clear wings, large eyes, short body.

What is a Locust?

Locusts are members of the Orthoptera order, which also includes grasshoppers, locusts, and crickets. Locusts are grasshoppers with short horns that belong to the Acrididae family. The Locusts are around four inches in length. There are, however, some with a length of 0.5 inches.

Locusts are herbivores that feed on the delicate parts of plants, which is why they are so destructive to plant life. Pestilence occurs when a significant number of locusts congregate. The life expectancy of locusts is one year. Locusts rarely live for more than a year.

Lengthy hind legs, larger rear wings, and a long body are some of the characteristics that characterise Locusts. Locusts are thinner and longer than Cicadas, and they have the same long back legs as all grasshoppers.

What is a Cicada?

Cicadas belong to the Hemiptera order of insects. True Bug is another moniker for it. Aphids and Cicadas are both members of the same order. Cicadas are a member of the Cicadidae family. Cicadas have a length of 2 inches and a width of 0.5 inches. Cicadas are referred to as brood when they are all together.

Simple and complex eyes, membranous wings, prominent eyes, and a sound-making insect are just a few of the traits. Cicadas are also herbivores, sucking all of the fluids from the roots, stems, and branches’ vascular systems. Cicadas have a lifespan of approximately seventeen years. Cicadas’ egg-laying process, rather than their feeding habits, is responsible for a lot of the harm they inflict to plants.

Cicadas have larger front wings, clear wings, huge eyes, and a short body, which are some of their distinctive characteristics. The legs of cicadas are relatively short. Only North America is home to periodic cicadas, which emerge from the ground every 13-17 years. When cicada larvae feed, they cause significantly less damage.

Main Differences Between a Locust and a Cicada

  1. The name of the order that Locusts belong to is Orthoptera, which includes grasshoppers, Locusts one and crickets on another. On the other hand, the name of the order that Cicadas belong to is called Hemiptera. It is also known as True Bug. Aphids are similar to Cicadas and belong to the same order as well.
  2. Locusts belong to the family Acrididae, which involves grasshoppers with short horns. On the other hand, the family to which Cicadas belong is Cicadidae. The characteristics involve having both simple and compound eyes, membranous wings, prominent eyes and a sound-making bug.
  3. The size of the Locusts revolves around four inches in length. However, some with 0.5 inches length also exist. On the other hand, the length of Cicadas is about 2 inches and 0.5 inches in breadth.
  4. Locusts are herbivores and eat soft parts of plants, the reason why locusts are so devastating to plant life. On the other hand, cicadas are also herbivores. They suck all the liquid from the roots, vascular system of stems and branches.
  5. When a large number of Locusts gather, it is known as plague. On the other hand, the collective name of Cicadas is called a brood.
  6. The lifespan of Locusts is calculated as one year. Usually, Locusts do not live more than a year. On the other hand, Cicadas generally live up to seventeen years, which is known as the lifespan of Cicadas.
  7. Some distinguishing features of Locusts are long hind legs, bigger rear wings and long bodies. On the other hand, some distinguishing features of Cicadas are bigger front wings, clear wings, large eyes and short bodies.


Cicadas and Locusts are not the same things, even though the terms have been used incorrectly interchangeably since Cicadas were first identified in North America. These two insects have a few characteristics in common. Cicadas and locusts both have wings, but locusts fly far farther. Both of these animals are plant eaters who also lay eggs. They’re both quite loud and appear in large groups.

Cicadas and locusts are not violent toward humans. However, they may appear to be if a huge flock of them is flying and you get in their way! Cicadas have extremely short legs. They emerge from the ground once every 13-17 years, which is less than a year in the case of Locusts. When cicada larvae feed, they are significantly less damaging than Locusts.


  1. https://journals.asm.org/doi/abs/10.1128/EC.4.5.937-947.2005
  2. https://search.proquest.com/openview/ca7f52e2865f62f5adf9e868b51502e0/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=42401