Difference Between a Public and Private University (With Table)

In college rankings, public institutions are usually ranked lower than private schools, and admissions standards are frequently less severe. The purpose of this article is to compare and contrast public and private universities. There are private for-profit institutions in the private sector that are run like businesses to generate revenue. Numerous characteristics distinguish public universities from private schools. The key is to figure out which factors are most important to you and then act accordingly.

Public University vs Private University

The main difference between a public and private university is that the federal or state governments frequently fund public universities. However, on the contrary, Private institutions are sustained through student tuition fees and endowment monies. They do, however, receive private donations and contributions. Because the state government subsidizes public universities, students pay substantially lower tuition rates, which is higher in the case of private universities.

Public universities offer educational options that are both affordable and effective. Because public institutions enrol a larger number of students, the odds of receiving scholarships and financial aid are substantially lower in statistics. In terms of class size, campus size, and even student body population, public colleges are often larger and larger. Public universities are often underfunded and have substandard facilities.

Private universities have far superior facilities and equipment to public universities. The tuition prices imposed on students at private universities are quite exorbitant, as the institutions’ operation is dependent on student tuition payments. The cost of attending a private university or school is very high. Students at private universities can benefit from enticing financial aid. They do, however, offer fantastic scholarships. In terms of class size, student body number, and other factors, private institutions are smaller than public universities.

Comparison Table Between a Public and Private University

Parameters of Comparison

Public University

Private University

Funded by

Central or state government.

Funded by tuition fees of students or endowment funds.

Tuition fees charged

Tuition fees charged is much low.

Tuition fees charged is high.

Cost of education

Provide cost-effective methods of education.

Highly expensive to attend.

Financial aid provision

Provide less financial aid.

Provide more financial aid.


Larger in terms of class size, campus size and student body population.

Smaller in terms of campus size, class size and student body population

Equipment and infrastructure

Poor equipment and infrastructure.

Much better and advanced equipment and infrastructure.

What is a Public University?

The federal government or a state government usually funds public universities. As a result of the state government subsidizing public colleges, students pay substantially lower tuition rates. Public colleges offer educational opportunities that are both cost-effective and efficient.

Because public colleges enrol a larger number of students, data show that the odds of receiving scholarships and financial aid are substantially lower. In terms of class size, campus size, and even student body number, public institutions are often larger than private universities. In general, public universities are underfunded and have substandard facilities.

By legislation, public schools and universities must be secular, which means they are not affiliated with any religion. Public institutions, on the other hand, typically provide a considerably wider range of coursework and degree programs. A public university may be preferable for students who value athletics as an essential component of their college experience.

What is a Private University?

Private universities are sustained by tuition fees and endowment monies paid by students. They do, however, get gifts and contributions from individuals. The cost of attending private universities and institutions is extremely high. Private universities have far superior infrastructure and equipment than public universities.

The tuition fees imposed on students at private universities are extremely exorbitant, as the institutions’ functionality is dependent on the tuition fees of students. Students who are certain about what they want to study can benefit from visiting private universities with a good reputation in their profession.

Students at private universities have access to enticing financial help. They do, however, provide fantastic scholarship opportunities. In terms of class size, student body number, and other factors, private institutions are smaller than their public counterparts. Many private universities, such as liberal arts colleges, offer just a limited selection of academic majors.

Main Differences Between a Public and Private University

  1. Public universities are usually funded by the central or state government. On the other hand, by the student’s tuition fees and endowment funds, private universities funding is supported. However, they also receive donations and contributions from private parties.
  2. The state government subsidize public universities. Hence the tuition fees charged from students is much low. On the other hand, the tuition fees charged from students in private universities is highly expensive, as the functionality of such institutions depends solely on the tuition fees of students.
  3. Public universities provide cost-effective methods of education. On the other hand, private universities and institutions are highly expensive to attend.
  4. The chances of scholarships and financial aid offered by public universities are much less in statistics, as more students are enrolled in public universities. On the other hand, private universities offer attractive financial aids to students. However, they offer amazing scholarship rewards as well.
  5. The size of the public universities is generally larger and bigger in terms of class size, campus size and even student body population. On the other hand, the size of the private universities is smaller than its counterpart in terms of class size, the population of the student body, etc.
  6. Public Universities are generally less equipped, and the infrastructure is also poor. On the other hand, the infrastructure and equipment of the vote universities are way better than public institutions.


Public colleges are often ranked lower than private schools in college rankings, and admittance standards are frequently less stringent. Private colleges may have more illustrious professors and publish more influential academic research. Although the quality of education obtained at a private university is not always superior to that received at a public university, graduates of prestigious or highly ranked universities are preferable in the market.

Notably, a few public universities are on par with the more prestigious private universities in terms of status. Public universities and private schools are distinguished by a variety of factors. The trick is to figure out which factors are most important to you and go from there.


  1. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/09604520310484707/full/html
  2. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=udCFAgAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=private+and+public+university&ots=QqWrrRsK4R&sig=0wKZD0UsqITetrVxhalUVdchpWE