Difference Between Abdomen and Abdominal Cavity (With Table)

The terms abdomen and abdominal cavity are considered to be the same when it comes to the basic understanding of a common man, but in actual medical terms, it is not the same. From a medical and scientific perspective, an abdomen and abdominal cavity are two different parts of a human body having their characteristics.

Abdomen vs Abdominal Cavity

The main difference between the abdomen and abdominal cavity is that the abdomen is a small area that a person can see between the chest in the human body and the pelvis in the human body, and on the other hand, the abdominal cavity is the space that exists below the abdomen present in the human body.

The abdomen is present in all mammals, including humans. This is what we call, in normal terms, the belly. The abdomen is a small area that a person can see between the pelvis and the chest in the human body. The position of an abdomen can be different for vertebrates and invertebrates.

The largest space is taken up by the Abdominal cavity in the human body. Even though it takes up a lot of room, it is just one organ that is a part of the cavity. The abdominal cavity is the place that is seen below the abdomen present in the human body. It is in between a person’s diaphragm and public line.

Comparison Table Between Abdomen and Abdominal Cavity

Parameters of Comparison


Abdominal Cavity


The abdomen is a small area that a person can see between the chest in the human body and the pelvis in the human body.

The abdominal cavity is the place that is seen below the abdomen present in the human body.


The abdomen is possible to be seen through the naked eye.

The abdominal cavity is not possible to be seen through the naked eye.

Abdominal layers

The abdomen has layers containing the cell and muscle layers.

The abdominal cavity comprises suspended visceral organs situated inside it.


The abdomen plays a role of an insulator in protest to the abdominal cavity.

The abdominal provides housing for the internal organs.


The abdomen is smaller in size compared to the abdominal cavity.

The abdominal cavity is larger in size compared to the abdomen.

What is Abdomen?

The abdomen is present in all mammals, including humans. This is what we call, in normal terms, the belly. The abdomen is a small area that a person can see between the pelvis and the chest in the human body. The position of an abdomen can be different for vertebrates and invertebrates.

The abdomen in the human body is said to have a lot of tissues and muscles. This helps in functioning our locomotion and gives the body the support it needs. These muscles present in the abdomen act as a line of protecting all the organs present inside the abdomen. Through exercise, yoga, and sports, a person can well build the muscles for better protection.

In an animal body, the abdomen helps to separate the chest from the thorax from the pelvic lining. Vertebrate animals have their abdomen enclosed with skeletons. The uppermost layer present in the abdomen helps in protecting the abdominal cavity too. The other layer, which is fat enough, helps in maintaining the heat of our body performing metabolic activities by acting as an insulator.

What is Abdominal Cavity?

The largest space is taken up by the Abdominal cavity in the human body. Even though it takes up a lot of room, it is just one organ that is a part of the cavity. The abdominal cavity is the pace that is seen below the abdomen present in the human body. It is in between a person’s diaphragm and public line.

The cavity in the abdominal cavity the one which contains the innards and viscera. The internal organs that are present inside the abdominal cavity are the kidneys, pancreas, liver, spleen, adrenal gland, and all of the parts existing in the alimentary canal, which includes the small and large intestine. In another language, the abdominal cavity is also called the cavity, which is situated between the spine and abdominal wall present in the human body.

The most important feature of the Abdominal cavity is that it is the largest place present in the human body. A very thin layer of cells called the peritoneum is present in the abdominal cavity, which helps to cover the abdominal cavity. This is said to be a very protective layer. The main function of the abdominal cavity is to provide housing to the internal organs.

Main Differences Between Abdomen and Abdominal Cavity

  1. The abdomen is a small area that a person can see between the chest in the human body and the pelvis in the human body, and on the other hand, the abdominal cavity is the place that is seen below the abdomen present in the human body.
  2. The abdomen is possible to be seen through the naked eye, and on the other hand, the abdominal cavity is not possible to be seen through the naked eye.
  3. The abdomen has layers containing the cell and muscle layers, and on the Other hand, the abdominal cavity comprises suspended visceral organs situated inside it.
  4. The abdomen plays a role of an insulator in protest to the abdominal cavity, and on the other hand, the abdominal provides housing for the internal organs.
  5. The abdomen is small in size, and on the other hand, the abdominal cavity is larger in size.


The terms abdomen and abdominal cavity are regarded as having the same meaning in layman’s language. However, a deeper understanding revels that the reality is entirely different. The abdomen is a small area that a person can see between the chest in the human body and the pelvis in the human body. The abdominal cavity is the space that exists below the abdomen present in the human body.

 Many make the common mistake of not differentiating between the two. But when it comes to a case of a medical and scientific perspective, an abdomen and abdominal cavity are two different parts inside a human body having their characteristics.


  1. https://europepmc.org/article/med/6456563
  2. https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/abs/10.1089/sur.2019.289