Difference Between Active and Passive Transport (With Table)

Molecules as well as other people involved out into cells and across intracellular membranes via active and passive transport mechanisms. Biological processes which move oxygen, water, and nutrients into cells while also removing waste material are known as active and passive transport. Because active transport involves the transfer of biochemicals from low-concentration areas to upland ground, it necessitates the expenditure of chemical energy. Passive transport, on the other hand, transports biochemicals from high-concentration areas to low-concentration areas without requiring energy.

Active transport involves the transfer of growth factors from low-concentration areas towards higher-concentration areas, it necessitates the expenditure of chemical energy.
Passive transport, but on the other hand, transfers biochemicals from high-concentration locations to low-concentration areas without requiring energy.

Active vs Passive Transport

The main difference between active and passive transport is that facilitated diffusion uses ATP energy to push molecules against a concentration gradient, whereas passive transport allows molecules to flow across the membrane through a neutral channel without any cellular energy required.

Molecules are transported through both the cell membrane via active and passive transport mechanisms. A cellular membrane serves a dual purpose: its cell wall provides shape while also shielding the cytosolic material from the outside world.

The phospholipid bilayer directs the flow of chemicals into and out of the body, maintaining the cell’s delicate equilibrium. The phospholipid bilayer is semi-permeable in nature, allowing some elements to readily flow via a concentration’s channels, others to traverse the membrane by using cellular energy, and yet others to cross the membrane by using unique structures.

Comparison Table Between Active Transport and Passive transport

Parameters of Comparison

Active transport

Passive transport


 Active transport involves moving particles from across cell membrane by pushing particles against such a chemical potential with ATP (energy).

These molecules are moved through and across the cell membrane via passive transport, which transports them through the concentration gradient without the use of ATP (energy).


In this process, the circulation is about a lower concentration zone to something like a greater one based on the factor.

Throughout this cycle, the recirculation is from a high-concentration zone to a low-concentration region.


The main aim is to push all molecules, including proteins, big cells, complicated carbohydrates, ions, and so on.

The primary goal is to transfer all soluble molecules, such as oxygen, water, carbon dioxide, lipids, sex hormones, and other chemicals.


It was a quick process

It was Slow Process

Programming Paradigm

Endocytosis, exocytosis, cell membrane or the sodium-potassium pump,

Osmosis, diffusion, and the facilitated diffusion

What is Active Transport?

Active transport with the use of enzymes and cellular energy to transfer molecules such as water, oxygen, and other essential chemicals across the membrane against the concentration channel. It is necessary for both the high-concentration collection of substances such as amino acids, glucose, and ions inside the cell. Higher concentration to an area of particles against with a concentration gradient (from a lower to a higher concentration), which is unusual and necessitates the use of enzymes and energy.

There are two forms of active transportation:

Primary Active Transport: In primary active transport, chemical energy is used to drive molecules through the system.

Secondary Active Transport: Proteins in the cell membrane exploit the electromagnetic gradient to travel across the membrane in secondary active transport. Sugar, lipids, and amino acids all seek to enter eukaryotic cells via protein pumps but require active transport. Those objects neither can’t nor can’t diffuse fast enough to be useful. Its entrance for big, insoluble substances into the cell requires active transport.

What is Passive Transport?

The transfer of molecules or ions from a low to a high concentration area is known as passive transport. Simple diffusion, enhanced diffusion, filtration, and osmosis are all examples of passive transport. Passive transport happens as a result of the program’s entropy, thus no extra energy is necessary. The movement of molecules across the membrane via a concentration gradient without the expenditure of cellular energy is known as passive transport. It transports molecules from a high concentration to a low concentration using natural entropy until the concentration is balanced. At equilibrium, there will be no net transit of molecules. Osmosis, simple diffusion, assisted diffusion, and filtration is the four basic types of passive transport. This keeps the cell in a state of equilibrium. Waste products such as carbon dioxide and water are diffused out and expelled, while nutrients and oxygen diffuse in and are utilized by the cell. Passive transport also enables all the sensitive equilibrium between both the cytosol and extracellular fluid to be maintained.

 Main Differences Between active and Passive trasport

  1. Active transport occurs in one direction. But Passive transport happens in both directions.
  2. Active transport affects the temperature has an impact on it. But Passive Transport Temperature does not affect it.
  3. Active transport requires protein but Passive Trasnport does not require protein.
  4. Active transport is an energetic process but Passive Transport is a physical process.
  5. Active transport moves from less densely populated places to more densely populated areas. But Passive transport moves from some of the more heavily populated regions to the less densely populated ones.


The two techniques of moving molecules across the cell membrane are active and passive transport. Using cellular energy, active transport pumps molecules or substances against a concentration gradient. ATP is employed as a source of energy in main active transport. The electrochemical gradient is utilized to move molecules across the membrane in secondary active transport. With the aid of active transport, nutrients are focused on the cell. Small, non-polar molecules or substances can also pass across the membrane via passive diffusion. It’s only possible because of a concentration gradient. As a result, the system consumes no energy. However, there is a substantial difference between active and passive transportation. It summarises the role and significance of two major transportation systems tissue in the human, and how both are responsible for the movement of molecules and ions. The transport system operates with both the goal of meeting the needs of the cell and preserving your body’s balance.


  1. https://academic.oup.com/plphys/article-abstract/45/2/133/6093937   
  2. https://www.jbc.org/content/254/10/3833.full.pdf