Difference Between ADHD and Bipolar Disorder

ADHD vs Bipolar Disorder

The brain is considered as the control center of the body. This is where all signals and orders come from and what the rest of the body should do. Early on our life, our brain is still developing and learning. Even up to adulthood our brain has not yet reached its full potential, with many scientists claiming that only about 10% of our brain is used in our lifetime. That lives the 90% unexplored and unreached yet. For that matter we can truly say that our brain is a very powerful organ, and as such, any problems can have serious effects to an individual as he or she grows old.

Because of the importance of our brain, it is imperative that we should always make sure that there is nothing wrong with it. Physiological problems in the brain may cause detectable signs and symptoms that can be treated or managed. But on the other hand, problems with the neurotransmitters or those that help send impulses to our nervous system may be a little bit difficult to handle. This is the reason why a lot of doctors and professionals are encouraging individuals to have regular assessment and check-up.

But what about those conditions that may start from childhood? How are they assessed? And what should be done about other conditions that may have risen during adolescence up to adulthood? These are only few of the questions that most raise when talking about psychological problems. And among many problems concerning the brain, some people might not even know about the differences between ADHD and Bipolar disorders.

In ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, there is a problem with an individual’s ability to focus and concentrate, control own behavior, and even an increase in activity levels. This condition is common among children. In most cases, it is difficult to accurately diagnose since you have to know what things to assess and observe from a child. But what is significant about this condition is that children are hyperactive than usual, but do not listen and even mind that they are causing problems with their behaviors. In some instances, this condition may last up to adulthood.

In Bipolar disorder, there are significant mood changes that you have to know about. This is the basic characteristic of this condition. People who are affected by this condition exhibits episodes of mania or hyperactivity in one time, and suddenly, after a few days or weeks, become depressed and sad. It is important that correct diagnose is this condition is done because there are some instances wherein ADHD may overlap its signs and symptoms.

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Cognitive problems, like ADHD and Bipolar, have distinct differences and characteristics.

ADHD affects a child’s focus, concentration, behavior, attention, and activity.

Bipolar disorder involves mood swings from mania to depression, or vice-versa.