Difference Between Adipex and Adderall (With Table)

Medications are also one of the most important innovations made in the history of mankind. Without research and development, today people would have suffered so much. However, there are still so many diseases that do not have a permanent cure.

But, it is possible for humans that we could create medicines that would cure almost any disease in the world. Adipex and Adderall are two terms that most of our researchers and doctors would know. But, most people do not know how these two types of drugs perform their duty inside our bodies.

Adipex vs Adderall

The main difference between Adipex and Adderall is that Adipex is an approved drug from FDA while Adderall is not approved. However, other than that, the two drugs perform different tasks inside our bodies. Adipex is used or are recommended to reduce hunger whereas Adderall is recommended to those for managing ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)

If you are suffering from any kind of disease then you must consult with a doctor about what to do about it. You should not do anything on your own or do things that are not in your hands.

Comparison Table Between Adipex and Adderall

Parameters of Comparison




Adipex is used to prevent hunger or suppress the appetite.

Adderall, on the other hand, is used for treating issues like ADHD.


Adipex is for those people who wants to cut down their body weight or for those people who are suffering from obesity.

Adderall, on the other hand, is for those people who are having issues like ADHD.

FDA Approved

Adipex is an FDA approved drug.

Adderall, on the other hand, is not clinically approved yet.

Side Effects

Dryness of mouth, sleeping difficulty, constipation, dizziness.

Dry mouth, stomach upset, dizziness, vomiting, headache, diarrhoea.

What is Adipex?

Adipex is a medication that is recommended to those people who need to treat their obesity problem. Adipex is also known as Phentermine in medical terms. Adipex is a highly effective medicine to decrease hunger so that people suffering from obesity do not consume a high amount of food.

It was back in the year 1983 when FDA had approved the medication. But, the medication, Phentermine was introduced way before in the year 1959. The medicine attracted those people who wanted to lose weight drastically.

I would say this was an excellent introduction and innovation made for people who want to be slim and reduce their fat level from their body. Maintaining a healthy life is now at its peak because people are becoming more vulnerable to new types of diseases so everyone must keep their body healthy at all possible means.

Since this medicine is approved by FDA (Food and Drug Administration) there is less chance of side effects for consuming the medicine. The medicine is also prescribed to those people who experience behavioural issues like ADHD.

Adipex is also popularly known as Adipex-P in the market and the Phentermine in it causes the appetite to suppress for cutting down weight drastically. The medicine reacts in such a way inside our body that it triggers the flight or fight response.

However, if there is a good side there is a bad side too because Adipex might cause some side effects but these medications are very much tolerable for the human body. In extreme cases, some side effects like dryness in the mouth, increasing blood pressure, headache, and a few more things can be experienced by the person.

What is Adderall?

Adderall, on the other hand, is a drug that is prescribed to those people who are suffering or experiencing issues like ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). Doctors may prescribe drugs like these to those people suffering from this type of issue.

Adderall contains is a combination of four salts of amphetamine. The drug Adderall is a type of stimulant that affects the Central Nervous System (CNS) of a human being. This drug regulates the hyperactive impulses and this is the reason why the drug is used to control ADHD.

The four components of Adderall are dextroamphetamine sulfte, dextroamphetamine saccharide, racemic amphetamine sulphate, and racemic amphetamine sapartate monohydrate. These four components are mixed with the same proportion that is 25% and when entered inside our body produces norepinephrine and dopamine.

The drug is also approved by FDA for the sole purpose of treating ADHD issues in human beings but the drug also has some off-label uses that are not still approved by FDA.

Main Differences Between Adipex And Adderall

  1. Adipex is a medicine that is used to prevent hunger or suppress appetite.
  2. Adderall, on the other hand, is used to treat issues like ADHD.
  3. Adipex is an FDA-approved drug while Adderall is still not clinically approved.
  4. Adipex-P is recommended to those people who want to cut down weight and also who are suffering from obesity.
  5. The primary aim of the Adderall drug is to regulate or control the hyperactive impulses.


One has to have a health check-up once in a while because it will be beneficial for them to know how their overall health is. On the other hand, if there is any diseases occurring in the body could be identified beforehand and could be treated too.

So, if you are maintaining a healthy lifestyle then there would be no need for such medications. Do look for healthy options always because if you do not stay healthy now later it might affect your body.


  1. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=lang_en&id=6vfMjBwzpIgC&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=adipex+and+adderall&ots=NsC8j3w6yG&sig=7ROnq-PAq9pQO28YedQxSVJn0Ro
  2. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006295207005382