Difference Between Administration and Legislation (With Table)

The administration is the procedure of determining the entity needed to be attained. It provides guidelines for the management and the organization. It excludes non-cooperative group activities. The administration has a very high degree of tenability. It is the complete determination of policies, working for major targets. This term means giving advice and ensure proper management in the system.

The legislation is a decision made through a deliberative process by elected officials. It is a formal written law propagated by a body like the Parliament and is often called an act. It is also used to systemize the rules and regulations of administrative organizations. It also involves engagement by the executive.

Administration vs Legislation

The main difference between Administration and legislation is that the Legislative body makes a law and the administration has the job to supervise the implementation of the law.


Comparison Table Between Administration and Legislation (in Tabular Form)

Parameter of Comparison




This is the procedure of managing an organization by the people.

The legislation is a system that produces some rules and regulations for a state or a country.


The role of Administration is that it is a decision-making body that works on the supervision of the law.

The role of Legislation is that it is an executive body that works on the implementation of the law.

Area of Operation

The administration has complete power to supervise and judge the activities and tasks of an organization.

The legislation works under the Ministry of Law and affairs.

Major Function

The major function of an Administration is to be Legislative and Determinative.

The major function of the legislation is to be Executive and Governing.

Focus on

The main focus of the administration is of building the finest viable allotment of bounded assets.

The main focus of the legislation is making laws or rules and regulations imposed by the legislature.


What is Administration?

The administration is a well-structured procedure of regulating the management of a business firm’s educational institutes including schools and colleges, government organizations, etc.  It sees and supervises the proper implementation of laws, rules, and regulations, government policies, academic disciplines, etc.

An Administrator gives management support and helps a team. The role of an administrator is of utmost importance for the smooth and sober running of an organization or a business. An administration has a ministerial and constitutional nature.

Administration constitutes the highest layer of management in the ranking of corporations and institutions. Administration stresses on consigning all the policies and making the objectives and goals of the company or the firm.

What are the main functions of an Administration?

  1. Development of policies
  2. Formation of plans
  3. Evolution of procedures
  4. Setting up of objectives, aims, and goals
  5. Implementing rules and regulations
  6. Providing the obligatory leadership
  7. Keeping records and declaring results
  8. Supervise the administrative activities and projects
  9. Helps to lay down the structure of an organization
  10. Responding quickly to doubts and inquiries

What is Legislation?

This term is alternatively known as Statutory law. It can be defined as a network of fundamental assets and rules of law that is accessible informally written form and dictated by the legislative body to rule and take control over the behavior and actions of the public and citizens of the country. It conveys the will of the legislature. The legislative law circumscribes the rules and regulations for society and is made concerning the subsequent cases.

What are the 4 basic types of Legislation?

  1. Joint Resolutions
  2. Bills
  3. Simple Resolutions
  4. Concurrent Resolutions

What are the functions of Legislation?

  1. Add, delete, or replace Laws
  2. Supervising and taking care over control of the budget
  3. Have Control over executive
  4. They should act as a mirror for public opinion
  5. They have to perform judicial functions
  6. They have to take care of electoral functions
  7. They consist of the power to amend the Constitution

Main Differences Between Administration and Legislation

  1. While Legislation focuses on Law construction, its implementation is performed by the administration.
  2. An administrator has the work to manage the complete organization by a group of people and they have full permission to supervise and take care of the activities and tasks performed by an organization whereas Legislation has the work to make, remove, edit, and replace the Laws and have control over judicial and executive functions and activities and they purely work under the supervision and support of Ministry of Law.
  3. The legislation is significant as it states the rights, responsibilities, and the punishment for breaking rules and regulations whereas an Administration has a conclusive nature as they have the power for decision-making and has the responsibility of managing an organization.
  4. An administration is an independent body whereas legislation is very much dependent on administration as it works on supervision and proper implementation of the laws and rules and regulations made by the legislation.
  5. Legislative acts as a crucial part in the building of an adequate senatorial democracy whereas an Administration does not need good permissible understanding to bring the law into function.



We can conclude that Legislation is that body which has the tasks to create laws and rules and regulations for country whereas and Administration has the work the look upon and supervise that the laws made by the legislation are being properly implemented.

We can also see that Administration is an independent body whereas legislation is very much dependent on administration as it has full responsibility for the appropriate contraption of Law made by the legislation. Legislation which is also known as statutory law is consequential in nature and administration is decisive as it also performs various tasks related to decision-making for a society.

The administration is above management in all aspects and has a top-level hierarchy in society and the country. The legislation also listens to public advice and opinions regarding the making or removing or editing of the criteria for a law.


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