Difference Between Advice and Suggestion (With Table)

Several English words appear to be perplexing people, particularly in their uses. Foreign language communicators and fresh-faced native English speakers frequently use words in inappropriate contexts, which can lead to them being misinterpreted or misconstrued by the audience. ‘The same thing has happened with the terms ‘advice’ and suggestion’. This article will explain the distinctions between the two terms.

Advice vs Suggestion

The main difference between advice and suggestion is that the word advice can be used to mean ‘counsel.’ The term suggestion is used to mean ‘giving an idea.’ It’s worth noting that the terms advice, as well as suggestion, are both nouns. Individuals give advice premised on their experience as well as a thorough assessment of the situation. Nevertheless, you can make a suggestion to someone right now by telling them what you think. This may or may not be based on your field of expertise.

Advice is defined as “a viewpoint or guideline offered as a guidance tool, behavior, etc.” An interaction having data, especially one sent from a range. And an official notice, particularly if it is related to a business agreement. It’s worth noting that the term advice has a verb form as well, in the expression ‘advise.’ Both of these words are homophones. They do have the same tone of voice. The spell check, however, is different.

On the other hand, we have the word,’ suggestion’. Now, the general meaning is always similar although not the same, a suggestion can be a piece of advice but in a more informal as well as casual manner. The usage can be amongst colleagues or partners as well as friends, you give suggestions on casual topics and informal interactions.

Comparison Table Between Advice and Suggestion

Parameters of Comparison




Advice is defined as “a viewpoint or guideline offered as a guidance tool, behaviour, etc.” An interaction having data, especially one sent from a range.

Suggestion appears to be used as a strategy or concept with no control, command, or influence.


Middle English: from Old French avis, based on Latin ad ‘to’ + visum, past participle of videre ‘to see’.

Via Old French from Latin suggestio(n- ), from the verb suggerere.


Advice is used for formal occasions and situations. People who are experienced and elders usually offer you ‘advice’.

Suggestions are given usually by informal interactions and intonation is casual.


1. He advised me not to play outside.
2. My teacher advised me to go for language arts.

1. She suggested that I watch the movie.
2. Her anime suggestions are great.


Warning, caution, guidance, advisory, intelligent word, recommendation, etc.

Clue, indication, intimation, offer, hint, idea, etc

What is Advice?

The term advice is most commonly used to describe what an individual should do in response to a particular occurrence about which he or she is unsure. An advice can be the answer to a current issue. It is important to note that advice is formal and includes both control and authority because the man providing it has expertise or prior experience regarding that occurrence. Phrase example: My elder sister advised me on how to improve my grades.

Merriam Webster defines the term “advice” as follows:

1. Statement for a decision or course of action

2. Disseminated information or notice —generally used in plural

3. A formal notice pertaining to a business transaction

Advice is a term that refers to a recommendation or expression of an opinion. Because advice is counsel, it is more valuable. It is brought to you by a knowledgeable individual. The individual who provides advice has also studied all of the information at hand, as well as what will or will not occur if the advice is followed. However, general recommendations are made to be followed. In addition, the term counsel is used as a noun.

What is Suggestion?

A suggestion, on the other side, is used to convey a notion. The suggestion appears to be used as a strategy or concept with no control, command, or influence. It is used to generalize any proposal or a notion but in an informal manner.

The Oxford Dictionary defines the word ‘suggestion’ as follows:

  1. A suggestion for what everyone should do or how they should act
  2. Information said in an indirect manner
  3. An action, quality, look, or another characteristic that appears to indicate the presence or absence of something

The term suggestion is used in the meaning of ‘providing a notion,’ as in the following sentences:

  1. She advised that it be done in this manner.
  2. He advised me on how to improve my wardrobe style.

We can see that the word suggestion is used across lines to mean ‘offering an idea.’ In the first sentence, you get the impression that he presented a suggestion to complete a certain task in a specific way. In the second sentence, we get the impression that he made an informal suggestion concerning my dress-up enhancements.

Main Difference Between Advice and Suggestion

  1. Advice is regarded as professional, whilst a proposal is considered informal.
  2. Advice is always given by a professional or experienced whereas a suggestion can be popped by friends and informal people.
  3. The term advice originated in the early 14th century whereas the term suggestion originated in the late 14th to early 15th century.
  4. Synonyms of advice are; guidance, adjuration, input, recommendation whereas, synonyms of suggestion are; clue, indication, intimation, idea, etc.
  5. Advice is commonly given by elders whereas suggestion is age-independent and advice is usually crucial, unlike suggestions.


Even though many people believe that the two terms refer to the same thing and may be used indiscriminately, vast literature papers and research investigations have proven that the terms are distinct and do not represent the same thing. In truth, these names have separate synonyms and are therefore not synonyms for each other.

Despite the fact that the terms advice, as well as suggestion, differ significantly, it is crucial to note that both are ubiquitous nouns in the English language. Knowing the meaning of each word is essential since it allows a person to utilize them correctly and sensibly.


  1. https://www.dictionary.com/browse/suggest
  2. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/advice