Difference Between Advocacy and Lobbying (With Table)

The main difference between advocacy and lobbying is that advocacy includes making different sorts of moves to bring change, while lobbying includes endeavors to impact the choices, activities, or arrangements of officials or individuals from administrative organizations.

Various associations have various degrees of solace with Advocacy and lobbying exercises and may work with various assumptions. It’s continuously best to chat with your manager or governing body to guarantee you comprehend your association’s Advocacy rules.

Advocacy and lobbying have comparable objectives, i.e., exposing significant issues. Be that as it may, they are not something similar. Lobbying is a type of advocacy, yet not all advocacy is lobbying.

Advocacy vs Lobbying

The main difference between Advocacy and Lobbying is that advocacy alludes to endeavors to bring positive change. On the other hand, lobbying alludes to endeavors to impact the choices, activities, or approaches of administrators or individuals from administrative organizations.

Advocacy is the course of partners making their voices heard on issues that influence their lives and that of others at the neighborhood, state, and public levels.It likewise implies assisting strategy creators with viewing as explicit answers for constant issues. Most philanthropies can and do, participate in however much promotion as could be expected to accomplish their objectives.

Lobbying on the other hand includes exercises that are in direct help of or resistance to a particular piece of presented regulation. While charities can take part in some campaigning, the IRS has severe principles concerning the amount of a charity’s spending plan can go toward these exercises. There are likewise restrictions on any utilization of government assets for campaigning.

Comparison Table Between Advocacy and Lobbying 

Parameter of Comparison




 Advocacy  is characterized as any activity that supports, suggests, contends for a purpose, upholds or safeguards, or argues for the benefit of others.

 Lobbying is when an individual or a group tries to persuade someone in Parliament to support a particular policy or campaign.


Case advocacy.
Self advocacy.
Peer advocacy.
Paid independent advocacy.

legislative lobbying,
regulatory advocacy lobbying,
and budget advocacy


communication, collaboration, presentation, and professional relationship

honesty and integrity; compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and rules; professionalism


Analytical skills.
Research skills.
People skills.

Good communication skills.


Advocacy tries to guarantee that all individuals in the public  can Have their voice heard on issues that are essential to them. Secure and advance their privileges.

Lobbying alludes to endeavors to impact the choices, activities, or strategies of lawmakers or individuals from administrative organization

What is Advocacy?

Advocacy alludes to making a move to bring change. It’s a movement by one individual or a gathering meaning to impact choices inside monetary, social, and political organizations. Backing includes a wide assortment of exercises. It includes bringing issues to light and illuminating general society about a thought, cause, or strategy. It can likewise include investigating new arrangements, making alliances of similar individuals, as well as open battling. A definitive objective of advocacy is to make the change.

Advocacy might include various procedures. To achieve a positive change, advocates use crusading, exhibits, web-based media crusades, sending off petitions, and charging and distributing research. They additionally assemble others to make a move. These endeavors can at last influence popular assessment, gain press inclusion, and even change the assessments of policymakers. Whenever promotion is done actually, support gives a course to people and associations to voice an assessment and impact public strategy.

What is Lobbying?

Lobbying alludes to endeavors to impact the choices, activities, or strategies of lawmakers or individuals from administrative organizations. Besides, Lobbying might include straightforwardly reaching or setting people, in general, to get the policymakers up to help or go against specific regulations. It might likewise include supporting the reception or dismissal of specific regulations. Hence, we can depict campaigning as a kind of Advocacy.

Despite the fact that lobbying is a kind of Advocacy, they are not something similar. All in all, not all Advocacy is lobbying, but rather all lobbying exercises are Advocacy. For instance, teaching a chosen government official with regards to the impacts of an arrangement on your local area is Advocacy, yet requesting that this administrative authority vote in favor of or against a particular regulation is lobbying

Main Differences Between Advocacy and Lobbying 

  1. Not all advocacy is lobbying, yet Lobbying is a type of advocacy
  2. Advocacy is the course of partners making their voices heard on issues that influence their lives and the lives of others at the neighborhood, state, and public level lobbying, then again, includes exercises that are in direct help of or resistance to a particular piece of presented regulation
  3. Advocacy is Instructing an official with regards to the impacts of an arrangement on the constituency. lobbying is requesting that your administrators vote in favor of or against, or alter, presented regulation.
  4. Advocacy means welcoming an official to visit your association with the goal that he/she might see firsthand how government or state financing or strategy influences everyday tasks and the distinction it makes. Lobbying means Messaging a “source of inspiration” to your individuals asking them to contact their administrators on the side of the activity on presented regulation or forthcoming guidelines.
  5. Giving specialized help or counsel to an official body or board because of a composed demand is advocacy on the other hand lobbying is Getting ready materials or coordinating occasions on the side of campaigning exercises.


The primary contrast between advocacy and lobbying is that advocacy includes making different kinds of moves to bring change, while lobbying includes endeavors to impact the choices, activities, or approaches of administrators or individuals from administrative offices. In addition, advocacy includes bringing issues to light and illuminating general society about a thought, cause, or strategy, exploring new arrangements, making alliances of similar individuals, and public crusading. lobbying, then again, includes reaching or setting the general population to get the policymakers up to help or go against specific regulations.


  1. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9781315181011-27/advocacy-lobbying-jennifer-mosley-tadeo-weiner-davis-theresa-anasti
  2. http://civicreinventions.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Advocacy-and-Lobbying-Without-Fear.pdf