Difference Between Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration (With Table)

The process by which energy is released inside the cells due to the breaking of glucose molecules is called Cellular respiration. This process is further subdivided into 2 categories known as Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration that is based on oxygen usage.

Aerobic vs Anaerobic Respiration

The main difference between Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration is that the Aerobic respiration process is dependent on oxygen whereas the anaerobic respiration does not depend on oxygen for energy production. The process of cellular respiration either happens in the mitochondria or in the cytoplasm by either the Aerobic or the Anaerobic Respiration mechanism.

Aerobic Respiration is the sub-category of cellular respiration that uses oxygen to produce energy from food. The term Aerobic is derived from the word Oxygen itself. The by-product of aerobic cellular respiration is carbon dioxide and Adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

Anaerobic Respiration is the sub-category of cellular respiration that does not use oxygen to produce energy from food. The term Anaerobic is derived from the word Not Oxygen itself. The by-product of anaerobic cellular respiration is lactic acid and ATP. Keep in mind that ATP is the energy currency of all the cells.

Anaerobic respirations use relatively less amount of energy as the glucose is not completely broken down as compared to aerobic cellular respiration due to the presence of oxygen in the process of respiration.


Comparison Table Between Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration (in Tabular Form)

Parameter of Comparison Aerobic Respiration Anaerobic Respiration
Definition Aerobic respiration involves energy production, by breaking down the glucose using oxygen. Anaerobic respiration involves energy production, by breaking down the glucose without using oxygen.
Process Duration It is a slow and time-consuming process. It is comparatively faster than the aerobic process.
Combustion Process Aerobic respiration has the complete combustion process. Anaerobic respiration has the incomplete combustion process.
Requirements It involves the presence of oxygen and glucose for the process to take place. It involves the presence of only oxygen for the process to take place.
End Products Carbon Dioxide and Water are produced as the byproducts of the process. Ethanol, Lactic acid and Carbon dioxide are produced as the byproducts.
Amount of Energy Production It involves a high amount of energy production due to the presence of oxygen to completely breakdown glucose. It involves a relatively low amount of energy production due to the absence of oxygen to completely breakdown glucose.
Equation Glucose + Oxygen à Water + Energy + Carbon Dioxide Glucose à Energy + Lactic Acid
Examples Eukaryotes like plants and animals are common examples of Aerobic Respiration. Eukaryotes like those present in human muscle cells and bacteria, yeast etc. are common examples of Anaerobic Respiration.


What is Aerobic Respiration?

Chemical Reaction is the enzyme-catalyzed chain reaction that involves breaking
down glucose molecules to produce energy in the presence of oxygen.

end products of these chemical reactions yield byproducts like Carbon dioxide,
water and a lot of energy. Around 2900 kJ/mol of glucose, is released as energy
after this process.

Chemical Equation for Aerobic

+ Oxygen → Carbon dioxide + Water + Energy

Dioxide and Water are produced as the byproducts of the process along with ATH
i.e. Adenosine triphosphate. ATH drives energy to the cells to drive various
processes like muscle movement or chemical synthesis etc.

This chemical respiration is very common in animals and plants. If we see our breathing pattern, we inhale a lot of oxygen and in return exhale carbon dioxide.

As the oxygen reaches different cells of the body that already contains glucose, which is then broken down to release carbon dioxide and water.

This is utilized by our body and carbon dioxide is then released out to the atmosphere.


What is Anaerobic Respiration?

Chemical Reaction is the enzyme-catalyzed chain reaction that involves breaking
down glucose molecules to produce energy in the absence of oxygen.

The end products of these chemical reactions yield byproducts like Carbon dioxide, Alcohol, and Energy.

Chemical Equation for Anaerobic

→ Alcohol + Carbon dioxide + Energy

In response to a shortage of oxygen to the human body, we humans tend to also exhibit anaerobic chemical respiration.

While we are undergoing heavy-duty tasks like running, playing, sprinting or exercising, our body requires a lot of extra energy.

This extra energy demand is fulfilled by our muscle cells by undergoing an anaerobic respiration process.

In case you ever have a muscle cramp while playing or exercising, then you know who you have to blame now.

to lack of oxygen, the glucose breakdown is not complete which might result is the
development of lactic acid as a byproduct.

all in all both Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration processes are great ways for humans
and all living beings to survive as chemical respiration is decisive for



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