Difference Between AIDS and Malaria

AIDS vs Malaria

AIDS and Malaria continues to kill millions every year around the world. The two are considered to be the most dreaded.

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is a disease that affects the human immune system. AIDS is mainly caused by Human Immunodeficiency Virus. On the other hand, Malaria is an infectious disease that is caused by eukayotic protist of Plasmodium genes.

There is also much difference in the transmission of AIDS and Malaria. AIDS is transmitted through direct contact of Mucuous membrane or blood stream that contains HIV. The disease is normaly transmitted through blood, vaginal fluid, semen, breast milk and preseminal fluid. AIDS get transmitted through blood transfusion, unhealthy sex and contaminated needles.

Malaria is transmitted through female Anopheles Mosquito. When this female mosquito bites a Malaria infected person, it sucks in blood that contains the Malarial parasites. These parasites develop within the mosquito and when it bites another person, the parasite is transmitted into him.

Another difference that can be seen is that Malaria can be controlled whereas AIDS is uncontrolled. Malaria can be treated whereas no proper treatment has been discovered for AIDS.

Though treatments for AIDS only slow down the course of the disease, no known vaccine or cure has been discovered for this killer disease. One can come across Antiretrovial treatmets that reduce the mortality and morbidity of HIV infection. One fact is that these drugs are very expensive and are not available in all countries. On the other hand, Malaria can be treated. There are combination medicines, which contain Artemisinin, used for treating Malaria.

Malarial symptoms include fever, pains in the joint, shivering, anemia, vomiting, retinal problems, convulsions and hemoglobinuria. A person affected with Malaria can come across sudden coldness followed by fever and sweating that lasts for some hours. On the other hand, a healhy person affected by HIV would not be showing the symptoms at an early stage. A person affected wth AIDS is at an increased risk of developing cervical cancer, Kaposi’s sarcoma and cancers of the immune system. These people can also come across swollen glands, fever and weight loss.
1. AIDS affects the human immune system and is mainly caused by Human Immunodeficiency Virus. On the other hand, Malaria is an infectious disease that is caused by eukayotic protist of Plasmodium genes.
2. AIDS is transmitted through direct contact of Mucuous membrane or blood stream that contains HIV. Malaria is transmitted through female Anopheles Mosquito.
3. Malaria can be treated whereas no proper treatment has been discovered for AIDS.