Difference Between Akita Inu and American Akita

Akita Inu vs American Akita

When talking of Akita inu and American Akita, some think that they are the same as they have the same names. But it is not so. Both the Akita inu and American Akita differ in many ways such as their appearance, character and colour.
One main difference that is noticed between Akita inu and American Akita is in the shape of their heads. American Akita dogs have large triangular heads and small eyes. American Akita has a head that resembles a bear. On the other hand, Akita inu has almond eyes and the ears are set more forward and lower. Akita inu dogs have heads that resemble a fox.
When talking of the colour, Akita Inu dogs come only in specific colours. They come in five colours — Pure White, Fawn, Red, Sesame and Brindle. On the contrary, American Akita comes in all colours. Unlike Akita inu, American Akita cmes wth black masks. American Akita also comes in pinto color, which is not seen in Akita inu. Another feature seen in American Akita is that the undercoat comes in a different
color than the upper coat.
Another difference that is seen is that Akita Inu is bred be a companion dog whereas American Akita is bred to be a guard dog.
Both Akita inu and American Akita are also different in their height and weight. American Akita males have a height between 66 to 71 cm and weighs between 45 to 59 kg. The female American Akita comes with a height of 61 to 66 cm and weighs between 32 to 45 kg. The male Akita inu comes with a weight of 35 to 54 g and the female Akita inu weighs between 30 to 45 kg.
1. American Akita dogs have large triangular heads and small eyes. American Akita has a head that resembles a bear. On the other hand, Akita inu has almond eyes and the ears are set more forward and lower. Akita inu dogs have heads that resemble a fox.
2. Akita Inu dogs come only in five colours — Pure White, Fawn, Red, Sesame and Brindle. On the contrary, American Akita comes in all colours.
3. Akita Inu is bred be a companion dog whereas American Akita is bred to be a guard dog.
4. Both Akita inu and American Akita are also different in their height and weight.