Difference Between Akita inu and Shiba inu

Akita inu vs Shiba inu

Akita inu and Shiba inu are pet dogs that have its origins in Japan. Both the Akita inu and Shiba inu share many traits and characteristics. They have certain similarities in their colours and temperament that makes it hard to make a distinction between Akita inu and Shiba inu.

Both Akita inu and Shiba inu breeds are known to be the oldest dog breeds in the world. Shiba inu is said to be the oldest dog breed and Akita inu is known as the second oldest breed in Japan. Both these breeds were known from ancient times.

First of all, let us compare the physical character between the two breeds. Akita inu breeds are more powerful and heavy boned dogs than Shiba inu breeds. Akita inu has an average height of 28 inches and weighs between 70 to 120 pounds. On the other hand, Shiba Inu’s are medium sized dogs that have an average height between 13 to 16 inches and weighing 17 to 23 pounds.

Akita inu are known to be protective, dominant and aggressive towards other canines. These breeds, which are very clean dogs, also have strong prey drive characteristics. Shiba inu breeds are independent dogs and very much reserved with strangers. These breeds are also good at prey drive.

When the Akita inu breeds are quite, the Shiba inu breeds are a little hyper. Unlike Shiba inu, Akita inu are more playful. In maintaining the two breeds, Shiba inu are less expensive.

When comparing the colour, Akita inu are mostly tora, red and white whereas Shiba inu are black, white, red and red/black sesame.


1. Akita inu breeds are more powerful and heavy boned dogs than Shiba inu breeds.

2. Akita inu has an average height of 28 inches and weighs between 70 to 120 pounds. On the other hand, Shiba Inu’s are medium sized dogs that have an average height between 13 to 16 inches and weighing 17 to 23 pounds.

3. When the Akita inu breeds are quite, the Shiba inu breeds are a little hyper.

4. Akita inu breeds are more playful than Shiba inu breeds.

5. Akita inu are mostly tora, red and white whereas Shiba inu are black, white, red and red/black sesame.

6. In maintaining the two breeds, Shiba inu are less expensive.

7. Akita inu are known to be protective, dominant and aggressive towards other canines. Shiba inu breeds are independent dogs and very much reserved with strangers. These breeds are also good at prey drive.