Difference Between All Purpose Flour and Plain Flour

All Purpose Flour vs Plain Flour

All purpose flour and Plain flour are two kinds of flour that serve different purposes. It is indeed, true that both of them are different as far as their constituents are concerned. All purpose flour is made from the combination of both high and low gluten wheat and it has a high content of protein. On the other, hand plain flour has less protein. This is the main difference between all purpose flour and plain flour.

All purpose flour is easy to substitute, and in many cases it is substituted for plain four, but you cannot expect the same result that you could get while using plain flour. The other possibility may not be successful. On other words, plain flour cannot be successfully substituted for all purpose flour.

It is interesting to note that the all purpose flour used in the United States of America is the same as the plain flour used in the Great Britain. All purpose flour can be used in more recipes than plain flour. The gluten level in all purpose flour is also higher than the gluten level in plain flour.

Both the types of flour differ from each other in terms of hardness. It is said that all purpose flour is a little bit harder than plain flour. It is also coarser when compared to plain flour. On the other hand, plain flour is softer and hence, is preferably used in the making of different types of cakes. These are the important differences between all purpose flour and plain flour.