Difference Between Alliteration and Rhyming (With Table)

Alliteration and Rhyming both are used to improve the power of the written word or prominently called a literary tool for writing poems, rhymes, sonnets, and more. They bring the musical phenomenon to a written piece of art but they play significantly different roles in writing musical content and such differences are elaborated.

Alliteration vs Rhyming

The main difference between Alliteration and Rhyming is a different use of alphabets where Alliteration focuses on consonants and Rhyming is majorly focused on vowels under the alphabets. Alliteration is used where two different words have the same sound of letters in the word and Rhymings is used where the same sound of end letters in the words to create a rhythm. 

Alliteration is a combination of the repetitive sound of words in a sentence and primarily the first letter of the word creating a frequent appearance using consonants mainly. A group of words beginning with the same letter sound is Alliteration while writing a poem or sonnet, sometimes not -necessarily the same letter in a few cases. 

Rhyming is a group of words connected at the end of the lines producing the same sounds of the vowel family in English alphabets to create a musical rhythm. The frequent reputation of the vowel sound inconsistency with the same consonants is also termed as Rhyming in a poem or sonnet. A typically repeated pair or set of similar-sounding words to give a musical effect.

Comparison Table Between Alliteration  and Rhyming

Parameters of Comparison




Alliteration uses consonants from the English alphabet to make rhyming words.

Rhyming uses vowels from the English alphabet to make rhyming words.


Alliteration uses consonants in every first letter of the word to form a rhythm. 

Rhyming uses Vowel in every last letter of the word to form a rhythm. 


In Alliteration it is a repetition of letter sounds between multiple words of English.

In Rhyming it is when two or more words share larger sounds in the English alphabet. 


The Structure of Alliteration is not similar to Rhyming.

The Structure of Rhyming is created to give musical effect to each line.


It helps to create the head rhyme using similar consonants. 

It helps people to remember the words or lines easily.

What is Alliteration?

The term Alliteration refers to the set of sounds created with the use of the first letter of each word with identical sounds to give rhythm to a phrase. The frequent repetition of identical First consonant word sounds in successive or closely associated syllables within a set of words, even those that are not spelled identically.

Since Alliteration is a way to link English words, therefore, it is also considered as Head Rhyme or Initial Rhyme. A few examples of Alliteration are like –  Black bug bit a big black bear or Sheep should sleep in a shed. Here in both examples, we can conclude that similar sounds produced from the initial letter of English alphabets in a group set of words are a method of Alliteration.

Alliteration is the main element of students’ poems to give a musical rhythm by the first letter of each alphabet in a string of words as explained above with suitable examples. The Biscuit Bitting Bended is one of the best examples of Alliteration in English words using consonants. It is a literary tool or device that works with the initial letter of the alphabet with nearby words in a set of sentences. 

What is Rhyming?

The term Rhyming refers to similar-sounding words repeated in the final stressed syllabus giving a musical effect and helping humans to memorize the words or content in a simple manner. The words ending with similar sounds are called Rhyming words and are relatively using vowels from the English alphabet. Can I lend a book with all the Rhyming content in it?

This literary device is generally used at the end of each line in a poem or sonnet for the best results. It has some common features with consonants. Functions performed by both Alliteration and Rhyming give super results when combines together as it follows a particular pattern to form a musical song or poem. Rhymings are generally helped people to memorize the content easily through rhyming words which gives a relaxing vibration to the brain and stores data easily.

Ending parts of two words when sounds same with the help of a vowel followed by a pattern and structure which is usually not possible in the case of Alliteration. The art of Rhyming is in our surroundings for a long we are using from ancient times. The story taught to kids in the initial learning stage makes it easy to learn if it is in Rhyming form or pattern.

Main Differences Between Alliteration and Rhyming

  1. Customization:  Words beginning with the same sounds of consonants are Alliteration and Words ending with similar end letters specifically vowels are Rhyming.
  2. Pattern: There is no specific pattern followed in the Alliteration method on the contrary There are specific patterns and structured are followed in Rhyming.
  3. Types: No multiple types of Alliteration are present on the other hand there are various types of Rhyming namely Slant Rhyme, End Rhyme, Eye rhyme, and more.
  4. Implementation: Alliteration is used in advertisement and promotions whereas Rhyming is used in songs, poems, or poetry which gives the music.
  5. Combination: Alliteration combines well with Rhyming are creates tongue twisters for fun whereas Rhyming goes well with Alliteration and makes music.


Together they bought musical rhythm when a first letter or English words and last letter of English words bringing same sounds together forms a tongue twister song here both Alliteration and Rhyming works wonder. If both are not put together in a well-structured manner can mess up with the Rhythm tool.  A written tool enhances the writing essence in the piece of writing 

Jingles and Songs rhymes are easier to learn for the kids in their early step of learning it helps them learn fun as they are familiar with consonants and vowels of English alphabets. To enhance the word quality different attributes and combinations for standard structure. 


  1. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-child-language/
  2. https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/390148?journalCode=mp