Difference Between Alocasia and Colocasia

Alocasia vs Colocasia

Alocasia and colocasia, better known as ‘elephant ears’, belongs to the same family of Araceae. Though they belong to the same family, they have many striking differences between them.

One of the main differences that people do not notice is in the difference in the characteristics of the leaves. The leaves of alocasia are seen to stand in a horizontal direction. The tips are pointed in the upward direction. Moreover, the leaves of alocasia have a shiny surface and come with an extended corm.

The leaves of Colocasia are seen to droop downwards. In contrast to Alocasia, the leaf tip of colocasia points downwards. The corm of colocasia has a less rounded shape.

When Alocasias grows well in well drained soil and shady places, the Colocasia plants grows more in sun light and in lands with ample water. Another difference can be seen in the placement of petiole. When the petiole of Alocasia is attached to the notch, the petiole in colocasia is attached a bit down the notch.

Another significant difference can be seen in the female flowers of the two plants. The placenta is Alocasia plant is basal. The stem and the ovaries are attached to this placenta along the interior base. On the other hand, the placenta in colocasia is seen next to the inner side. The stem and the ovaries are connected with the placenta through the interior sides of ovary.

One can also differentiate between Alocasia and Colocasia by looking at the tuber. The Colocasia tubers are banded, large and swollen. On the other hand, the tubers of Alocasia are thin and longer.

The leaves of alocasia are seen to stand in a horizontal direction. The leaves of Colocasia are seen to droop downwards.

The tips of alocasia leaves are pointed in the upward direction. In contrast to Alocasia, the leaf tip of colocasia points downwards.

When the petiole of Alocasia is attached to the notch, the petiole in colocasia is attached a bit down the notch.

When Alocasias grows well in well drained soil and shady places, the Colocasia plants grows more in sun light and in lands with ample water.

The Colocasia tubers are banded, large and swollen. On the other hand, the tubers of Alocasia are thin and longer.

Alocasia plants have an extended corm whereas the corm of colocasia is less rounded.