Difference Between Amaranth and Quinoa

Amaranth vs Quinoa

Amaranth and Quinoa look alike that makes it hard to make out a distinction between the two grains. Belonging to the same family, both the grains have almost the same nutritional qualities. Moreover, amaranth and quinoa grow in almost the same conditions. However, there are certain differences between the two grains.

Amaranth and quinoa can be differentiated in their size. The amaranth grains are smaller than the grains of quinoa.

Another noticeable difference is in the taste between the two. When compared to amaranth, the quinoa has a bitter taste. This biter taste is because of the saponins coating in quinoa, which is not present in amaranth. When cooking, the quinoa grains have to be rinsed many times to get the coating off. On the other hand, amaranth grains do not need to be rinsed many times.

As amaranth comes in small size, it is more used in curries, soups and casseroles. On the contrary, quinoa grains are more used in salads and fry dishes.

Also known as psedo-grain, amaranth cannot be said to be a true cereal. It is often referred as a vegetable or an herb. There are about 60 amaranth species found.

Though amaranth and quinoa has the same nutritional contents, amaranth is known to be high in proteins, especially Lysine. It has been seen that quinoa only comes second to amaranth in terms of Lysine. When comparing the fibre content, Amaranth has more fibre content than quinoa. Moreover, Amaranth is the only cereal that contains large amounts of phytosterols. In terms of fats and other minerals, both the amaranth and quinoa have almost the same content.


  1. The amaranth grains are smaller than the grains of quinoa.
  2. When compared to amaranth, the quinoa has a bitter taste. This biter taste is because of the saponins coating in quinoa, which is not present in amaranth.
  3. Amaranth is more used in curries, soups and casseroles. On the contrary, quinoa grains are more used in salads and fry dishes.
  4. When cooking, the quinoa grains have to be rinsed many times to get the coating off. On the other hand, amaranth grains do not need to be rinsed many times.
  5. Though amaranth and quinoa has the same nutritional contents, amaranth is known to be high in proteins, especially Lysine. Quinoa only comes second to amaranth in terms of Lysine.
  6. Amaranth has more fibre content than quinoa. Moreover, Amaranth is the only cereal that contains large amounts of phytosterols.