Difference Between AMC Gold and Silver Tickets

AMC Gold vs Silver Tickets

The price of tickets has seen a sudden increase in recent years, and it is expected to rise further in the coming years. However, the AMC gold and silver tickets are great options for enjoying your favorite movies even at times of soaring ticket prices. Once the AMC gold and silver tickets are bought, one can see his favorite films all through the years to come without even bothering with the rise in ticket prices.

But when it comes to buying tickets, it can be really confusing to make a choice. Most of the people get confused between AMC gold and silver tickets. Though both AMC tickets are economical, they still have a bit of confusion between them.

Most people prefer the AMC gold tickets as they offer more facilities. When comparing AMC gold tickets and AMC silver tickets, there is only a slight difference. The difference is that a person having an AMC gold ticket can watch all the new movies from day one. On the other hand, a person having an AMC silver ticket will be able to see the new films only after two weeks.

Both the AMC gold tickets and AMC silver tickets are valid at all AMC, Cineplex Odeon, Loews, Star Theatres, and Magic Johnson with the exception of Canadian theatres where there are no restrictions with the AMC gold tickets. On the contrary, there are restrictions associated with AMC silver tickets. As mentioned earlier, special engagements are not allowed with an AMC silver ticket. This is because of the contractual obligations with the film distributors.
Meanwhile, it is also said that if the theatre is not full on day one, a person having an AMC silver ticket can watch the film on the very first day.


1.Most of the people prefer the AMC gold tickets as they offer more facilities.
2.A person having an AMC gold ticket can watch all new movies from day one. On the other hand, a person having an 3.AMC silver ticket will be able to see the new films only after two weeks.
4.There are no restrictions with the AMC gold tickets. On the contrary, there are restrictions associated with AMC silver tickets.
5.If the theatre is not full on day one, a person having an AMC silver ticket can watch the film on the very first day.