Difference Between America and India (With Table)

There are more than 160 countries present in this world. But we only know about the few countries. America and India are the two name, which is known by everyone. The reasons are following 

Like due to their glorious history, political structure, promoting peace, active participation in climate change or playing a key role to curb the spread of diseases. Both countries have their own sets of rules, regulations and policies which helped them a lot to get recommendations at the world level.

America, a developed country spending a lot of money to other country for their development. Like funding the developing and the under developed country to take action against climate change, also funding the UN to take measures to maintain global peace order. While India is known for its soft power policy. A country which is tolerant to all cultures and religions. Like people in India is following both western and it’s own culture. People from the religion like Hinduism, Buddhism Jainism, Christianity etc are living here peacefully.

America vs India

The main difference between America and India is that America is a developed country. While India is a developing country. America follows the western culture. While India follows the mix of western and traditional culture. In America, family means husband, wife and children. Whereas in India, family means collective family (grandparents, parents, and children). America follows the Presidential form of democracy whereas India follows the Parliamentary form of democracy.

America lies in the Northern Hemisphere. It is the first democratic country in the world which got independence in 1773. The capital of USA is Washington DC. In terms of area and population, it ranks 4th and 7th respectively. It shares land boundary with Canada in the South and Mexico in the North. More than half of the population follow Christianity. It is a federation of 50 states including Alaska. It is the most powerful and the developed country in the world.

India lies in the Northern Hemisphere. It got independence in 1947 from Britishers. It’s capital is New Delhi. In terms of population, it ranks 2nd after China. It shares land boundary with Pakistan, China, Nepal, Afganistan, Bhutan , Mayanmar, Srilanka and Bangladesh. India is considered soft power in the world and follow the policy of Sarv Dharm sambhavam and Vaisudhav kutubkam. India is the birthplace of three religion like Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism  It is considered as developing country. Half of the population follow Hinduism.

Comparison Table Between America and India

Parameters of Comparison




Presidential form of democracy

Parliamentary form of democracy


Developed country

Developing country


provision of dual citizenship

provision of single citizenship




Name of the parliament



United Nation

Permanent member of UN

not a permanent member of UN

Seperation of power

It follows the concept of strict separation of power.

It follows the concept of checks and balances.


America follows the concept of dual federalism.

India follows the concept of cooperative federalism.

What is America?

America, an oldest democracy of the world, which follows the presidential form of democracy. America was also the colony of British. But after independence, it became the first democratic country in the world with written constitution. Parliament of USA is known as Congress. It has two houses. Upper house is known as Senate and the lower house is known as the House of Representatives. President is the real head of the state. People are generally hard working and goal oriented. They are open to the western culture. People generally believe in individuality. There is no concept of joint family. As far as the economy, America is the most developed country with the highest gdp rate in the world.

What is India ?

India, lies in the Northern Hemisphere and part of Southern Asia. It is the seventh largest country in the world. It is known as “land of wonders”. Surrounded with Himalayan range in the North and Indian Ocean in the South. India was ruled by different different kingdom from ancient times to till modern times. Like in Mediaeval Period, kingdoms like Maurya, Mughals, etc and in modern times, it was ruled by Britishers. India finally got independence from the Britishers in 1947. After that India is a sovereign democratic country.

Prime Minister is the real head of state whereas President is the nominal head of state. Parliament of India has two houses known as Rajyasabha and Loksabha. It has a lot of cultural diversity but still following the principle of “Unity in Diversity”. Here, people is tolerant towards all the culture.from historically, country has been following the principle of “Sarv Dharm Sambhavam”. Also it is the birthplace of three religion like Buddhism, Jainism and Hinduism. It is one of the fastest developing country in the world.

After independence, India has managed to become self dependent country in foodgrains and has also become net exporter of foodgrains to other countries. In the geo-politics, inspite of a nuclear state. India is considered as a soft power. As it considers the world as “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam”.

Main Differences Between America and India

  1. America is a self dependent country in terms of arms and equipment whereas India is dependent on the countries like Russia, America, etc.
  2. America follows the strict seperation of Power that is no interference in the working of judiciary, legislative and executive wheres India follows the principle of checks and balances.
  3. America has the policy of dual citizenship, whereas India follows the policy of single citizenship.
  4. America became a country after the aggreement among all the states and States have right to declare themself free from the union whereas there is no such aggreement happened and no states have right to declare themself from the union.
  5. In America, marriage isn’t considered as sacrosanct but in India it is considered as sacrosanct.
  6. In America, most of the population lives in urban area whereas in India, most of the population lives in rural area.


America and India both are unique.But still both countries are engaged in helping each other in the field of science and technology, elimination of terrorism, maintaining social order.


  1. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/02635579710367270/full/html
  2. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1470595803003001847