Difference Between American and Japanese Schools

American vs Japanese Schools

There are some differences between American and Japanese schools, and these differences include the amount of school days that are attended by the children and the types of schools available, as well as the pressure exerted on the children in order for them to achieve good grades.

In Japan, the children attend more school days than the children in America. Their year consists of 240 school days, which amounts to more than 720 additional days in the same 12 year schooling period. The only true holiday that they have is during the Spring season, and this is the time when they move from one grade to another. They also have some holidays in the Summer season, but during this holiday they still have homework and other work to complete. The teachers suffer in this regard as well, for they have only two weeks of vacation per year.

The same curriculum and syllabus applies to all Japanese schools, and there is said to be immense pressure put on the children to study hard and perform well in school. While this pressure has caused many Japanese children to do well in international tests, it has led to certain less desirable circumstances, such as an increase in cases of suicides. Even with this pressure though, it seems that the knowledge level of a Japanese student is lower after graduation from high school than that of the American student.

Japanese students are tested to see if they deserve to enter high school and college. Those children that don’t pass this test will attend career-orientated schools. Often these skills can lead to a lifetime of employment.

Although American schools can be considered as fairly crime ridden and violent at times, or in certain areas, there are excellent schools available. Likewise in Japan, there are the better and the worse schools. The schools in America consist of various cultured students, whereas, in Japan, there is more of a uniform culture. Compared to this fact, the Japanese schools are relatively calm and well managed. Japanese children are taught from a young age to respect their elders, as well as others who are younger than themselves. Japanese parents are known to be concerned more about the responsibilities of their children, rather than the rights of their children; and Japanese children are said to care and respect their friends.

Children attending school in America do not face such immense pressure as the children in Japanese schools. They also have fewer school days and more holidays. An advantage of the American schools, is that they have access to new technology, whereas Japanese schools have the use of comparatively less technology. Even though it is a fact that Japanese children perform well at school, if an American student studies hard, he or she can achieve just the same excellent results.


1.Japanese schools operate for more days in a year compared to American schools.
2.Japanese students are pressured into working harder than American students.
3.American schools make use of better technology than Japanese schools.