Difference Between Amsterdam and Chicago

Amsterdam vs Chicago

Amsterdam is in Netherlands and Chicago is in the United States. Both these cities are about 6,600 kilometres apart.

Chicago is a city in Illinois and the third heavily populated city in the US. The city is located at the southwestern part of Michigan Lake. It lies on the continental divide of Chicago Portage that connects River Mississippi and various lakes.  Chicago is the county seat of Cook Country. A large city, Amsterdam is the capital of Netherlands. Amsterdam, which is the centre of power and finance, is located in North Holland.

The origin of Amsterdam is traced to the 13th century whereas Chicago was founded only in 1833.

The name Amsterdam has been derived from Amstellerdam, which indicates a dam in Amstel River. Chicago is a name that has been derived from French Shikaakwa, meaning wild garlic or wild onion.

When comparing the population, Chicago is more populous than Amsterdam. Moreover, there is much difference in the living standards. The cost of living is high in Chicago when compared to Amsterdam.

Now talking of climate, both the places have pleasant climates. Chicago lies in humid continental zone and has four seasons. The summers are humid and warm with average day temperatures as high as 29 degree Celsius. The winters are windy, snowy and cold. The temperature, especially at night can fall below the freezing point.  The spring season and the autumn season are mild.

Amsterdam has an oceanic climate because of its closeness to the South Sea.  The winter season range from mild to cool. Frosts appear here because of the northeasterly or easterly winds from Europe and from Russia, Siberia and Scandinavia.


  1. Chicago is a city in Illinois and the third heavily populated city in the US. A large city, Amsterdam is the capital of Netherlands.
  2. Chicago is located at the southwestern part of Michigan Lake. It lies on the continental divide of Chicago Portage that connects River Mississippi and various lakes.  Amsterdam is located in North Holland.
  3. The origin of Amsterdam is traced to the 13th century whereas Chicago was founded only in 1833.
  4. When comparing the population, Chicago is more populous than Amsterdam.
  5. The cost of living is high in Chicago when compared to Amsterdam.
  6. The name Amsterdam has been derived from Amstellerdam, which indicates a dam in Amstel River. Chicago is a name that has been derived from French Shikaakwa, meaning wild garlic or wild onion.