Difference Between Android and Gynoid Obesity

Android Vs Gynoid Obesity

Obesity has already become one of the most pressing health problems most especially in the U.S. today. This occurrence is brought about by a number of factors like engaging the same old couch potato lifestyle, lack of physical exercises and also on choosing the not so healthy food types. With this, many are now obese which leads to two types of obesity namely the android and gynoid obesity. So how do these two differ?

Basically, obesity is a result of too much food intake or the failure of the body to utilize the energy for daily body use. As a result, these extra energies are stores as fat. Although there is no specific food that can really pinpoint where fat will be built up in the body, the uniqueness of each person dictates where or in what areas of the body these fats will be stored.

These two terms classify obesity according to fat distribution. In the android type of obesity, the person stores fat around his or her abdominal region. As such, these individuals are usually pictured as having an apple-like body shape. Based on a study conducted by the Food and Nutrition Research Institute, those who are android obese are more at risk of having illnesses related to obesity like heart disease, metabolic syndrome and the ever-popular diabetes. In addition, the likelihood of developing gout, arterial-related diseases as evidenced by heightened blood pressure and many kinds of cancers are linked to the central type of fat distribution.

Android obesity can also be manifested in other areas of the upper trunk like the upper chest (front or back) nape area of the neck, and even the shoulders. It is said that if this type of obesity is experienced by a woman, she will also develop a more masculine feature like the growth of more hairs throughout the body called hirsutism. Female android obese usually have more fat than men suffering the same.

For the gynoid type of obesity or fat distribution, the excess fat are being deposited somewhere at the hip and thigh areas. Their hips are rounded and their buttocks generally look larger than normal. Thus, people who are gynoid obese are called pear obese because they have a body form that looks strikingly similar to the shape of the pear fruit. But despite such, gynoid obese individuals are said to be at a much safer position than the android obese individuals for they are less at risk in developing chronic illnesses linked to obesity and overweight.

1. Android obese individuals are more prone to obesity-related diseases compared to the gynoid obese.

2. Android obese are called ‘apple obese’ while gynoid obese are ‘pear obese.’