Difference Between Anesthesia and Analgesia (With Table)

Anesthesia and Analgesia are both different feelings that make a human relax in different ways. A doctor should check all the facts of a person’s health before giving them. People might get confused between the two as they are common in medical usage, but they are quite different than each other.

The amount of these substances plays an important role in the treatment of a patient. Any excess amount of them could result in bad aftermath on the health of a person as they can leave different side effects depending on people and their dosage.

Anesthesia vs Analgesia

The main difference between Anesthesia and Analgesia is that while giving Analgesia, one does hold on to their consciousness. In comparison to that, in Anesthesia, it does not happen. Depending on the type and amount of Anesthesia, a person may lose consciousness.

Anesthesia is a feeling, a state of body where one loses their sense of awareness. It is used by doctors on patients who want a certain part of their whole body to be numb. It is common to give it to people before a big surgery. There are a series of Anesthesia that are available now in the market.

Analgesia is a sensation that can remove pain without the person getting unconscious. Some drugs may or may not have Anesthesia in Analgesia depending on other different combinations of additives like sedation, amnesia, etc. Thus, it can be said that Analgesia is a part of Anesthesia.

Comparison Table Between Anesthesia and Analgesia

Parameters of Comparison




Anesthesia is a feeling where a person loses their sense of consciousness.

Analgesia is a sensation that removes a type of pain from the body.

Discovered by

William T.G. Morton

John W. Hughes and Hans W. Kosterlitz


There are more types of taking Anesthesia like injections, medical gases, and vapors.

Analgesia is mostly available in the form of pills.


While being given Anesthesia, the patient is generally at a medical center where an anesthetist would be available.

As oppose to Anesthesia, a person can take a pill with Analgesia without any medical supervision.


A patient may be given a dose of Anesthesia before knee surgery, etc.

A pill is given to a person suffering from headaches, etc.

What is Anesthesia?

Anesthesia is an unconscious state that is generated in an animal. It is mainly used to numb a certain body part of a person. One can relax both mentally and physically while injected with Anesthesia. The person is called anesthetized. People are often connected to a ventilator for Anesthesia.

The pills or medicines that have Anesthesia in them are called anesthetics. Once taken, a person may feel a loss of sensation depending on the amount of Anesthesia in it. Many medics and people use them on various occasions on patients.

If one has to define Anesthesia in a sentence, it would basically be a loss of sensation. Today, two of the most common types of Anesthesia available that are used are Local Anesthesia and General Anesthesia. The latter numbs the whole body while the former numb a particular region.

What is Analgesia?

Analgesia is a state of relief from pain. They can be the normal pain killers that people have at their houses. Some of the popular drugs that have it are Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), Paracetamol (acetaminophen), and many more.

Different Analgesia is prescribed according to the amount of pain and need of a person. It can be used for small daily pains like muscle pains as well as is given to the patients after surgery. It does not need proper medical care like Anesthesia.

Analgesic is a drug that has Analgesia in it. They are used in pain killers that people often take normally in cases of joint pain or headache, etc. Usually, they do not make a person sleepy. Some of the tablets may have sedation in them or not.

Main Differences Between Anesthesia and Analgesia

  1. They both have different meanings. Anesthesia is a state of unconsciousness, whereas Analgesia is simply a relief from pain.
  2. Anesthesia has to be taken under the instruction of a medical professional, while Analgesia is usually taken without any consultant from a licensed professional. Though those pills which have a higher amount of chemicals or substances in them are taken under the order of the doctor.
  3. One does not lose consciousness while taking a form of Analgesia, but a person might or might not lose consciousness while taking Anesthesia.
  4. The form of transferring Anesthesia and Analgesia into the human body is also different. The options of giving Anesthesia are more in number than giving Analgesia. The latter is commonly taken as pills and, in some different cases, through an injection. While the former can be given as an injection, vapor, or gas.
  5. Analgesia works in the peripheral and central nervous systems of the human body, while Anesthesia, along with these systems, also works on other systems of the human body.


Whether it be Anesthesia or Analgesia, they both are very important in the field of medicine. Especially in the process of surgeries. Since a larger amount than the intended limit can turn lethal and dangerous for the health of a patient, they are to be used with great precaution. For taking Anesthesia, there are medical professionals called anesthetists.

These substances are both in their own different ways make it easier for the patient to get relief from different types of pains. Anesthesia is used to numb an area so that the person gets unconscious and doesn’t feel pain while going through a difficult medical procedure. On the other hand, Analgesic is used to get relief from acute or chronic pain.


  1. https://books.google.co.in/books?hl=en&lr=&id=xJWCnuy2kE4C&oi=fnd&pg=PP2&dq=info:u5m4VBddppIJ:scholar.google.com/&ots=h31P8CE_g9&sig=AzYfIvOZFu_ElGXakgqdGBdoQbY&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false
  2. https://rapm.bmj.com/content/29/3/257.abstract