Difference Between Animals and Humans (With Table)

Humans have a more superior structured and functioning brain than animals. Animals fail to express or reason whereas humans can communicate and reason besides following instincts like animals. Animals are usually quadrupeds, unlike human beings that are strictly bipedal. Animals can be herbivores, carnivores, and sometimes omnivores but humans are only omnivores.

Animals vs Humans

The main difference between Animals and Humans is that Animals are not capable of communicating or expressing themselves with the help of language. On the other hand, humans are capable of expressing or communicating with the help of proper languages. Though the majority of animals reproduce sexually, some of them are also capable of asexual reproduction. Whereas, humans can strictly reproduce sexually.

Animals are known to be multicellular organisms that belong to the classification of “Animalia”. They are built of cells that encircle an extracellular matrix incorporating collagen and glycoprotein. They have a variety of brain sizes depending on the species whereas human beings strictly have a brain weight of 1.2 kgs.

Humans have evolved brains, thinking, reasoning, and functioning. They can express themselves through different expressions and languages. Human beings in a population can be differentiated in terms of mutation, natural selection, genetic drift or recombination, and others. humans have the distinct shape of teeth, jaw, forebrain, and body.

Comparison Table Between Animals and Humans

Parameters Of Comparison



Food consumption

Unlike humans that are particularly omnivores, animals can be carnivores as well as herbivores. Some animals as bears are known to be omnivores.

Human beings are omnivores. Thus, human beings feed on foods having origin from different animals as well as plants.

Brain size or structure

The size of an animal’s brain varies from species to species. The size of the brain of a blue whale is 6.92 kgs while that of a ragworm is 180 micrometers.
cerebrum, along the brainstem.

The size of a human’s brain is 1.2 kgs. The human brain mainly contains three parts that are – the cerebellum,

Dependence on instincts

Animals highly depend on instincts during their functioning. They fail to reason their activities or functions by synchronizing their instincts with reasoning.

Humans are dependent on instincts, too. Unlike animals, they have the capability of reasoning and functioning in terms of reasons as well as instincts.


The majority of the vertebrates walk with four limbs (quadrupedal). Some animals as snakes crawl and marine animals swim with their fins to locomote.

Human beings are bipedal. Humans have two hands and two legs of which, both the legs are used for their locomotion.


Due to the absence of complexities among animals, they fail to express themselves. Communication among them is not featured with proper language.

Humans have the ability to express themselves in a proper way. Their communication is featured with different proper languages, unlike animals.

What are Animals?

The eukaryotic and multicellular organisms are known as animals and the biological kingdom comprising animals are known as Animalia. Animals have the ability to respiration as well as locomotion. Animals have a complex relationship amongst each other and also with the environment. they form extensive food webs due to their complex interactions. Zoology is known to be a scientific study involving animals. The word, “animal” has been derived from a Latin originated word, “animalis” depicting “living being” or “having breath”.

They are made of cells encompassing a typical extracellular matrix constituting elastic glycoprotein and collagen. Placozoans and sponges are further differentiated into tissues that consist of nerve tissues for coordination and control of the body and muscles for movement and locomotion. There exists a digestive chamber in the internals along with one or two openings. Animals perform in sexual reproduction but mating among close relatives results in the inheritance of abnormal recessive traits causing inbreeding depression. Few animals as cnidarians or hydra also participate in asexual reproduction. Animals vary in shapes and sizes having the blue whale as the largest animal and myxozoa marking as a microscopic one. Human beings depend on animals for food, commercial farming, and livestock purposes.

What are Humans?

Modern humans generally have an even and steep vertical forehead that has important functions in communication with the help of forehead skin wrinkling as well as movements of eyebrows. Human beings have a characteristic variety of teeth shapes creating a distinct jaw. Though the anatomy of human beings is similar to that of apes, humans have highly evolved brains. Humans have the capability of reasoning and narrowing articulate speech. Physical anthropology is concerned with the diversity of beings and the spark of evolution.

It is concerned with the following problems- bases of biology regarding human behavior, nonhuman, and human primate evolution, as well as variation in humans and its importance. Differentiation among humans is established with the help of biological characters such as natural selection, migration, genetic recombination, mutation, and genetic drift. Human variation is comprehended with the help of genetics by studying genes or inherited traits that are crucial for variance in human beings. Philosophical anthropology refers to the disciplinary philosophy which has a role in uniting the different investigations of human nature in a trial of comprehending people as a developer of their values and part of their environment.

Main Differences Between Animals and Humans

  1. Besides being herbivores and carnivores, some animals can also be omnivores. On the other hand, humans are vastly omnivores.
  2. The size of an animal’s brain varies from 6.92 kgs to 180 micrometers depending on the species. But the human brain’s mass is 1.2 kgs.
  3. The instincts of animals drive them for functioning whereas human beings work on instincts and also possess the ability of reasoning.
  4. Vertebrates are usually quadrupeds other than snakes that crawl and marine animals that swim for locomotion. Human beings are known to be bipedal.
  5. Animals cannot communicate with proper languages but humans can express themselves through different languages.


Thus, it can be concluded by saying that animals and humans are distinctly different from each other in terms of several parameters. Animals do not possess a highly developed brain system like humans. Though both animals and humans function according to their instincts, unlike animals, humans have the capability of reasoning. Unlike animals, humans have the distinct structure of the jaw and forebrain to offer expression in terms of eyebrow movements and others. Animals can feed on the flesh of other animals or plants and sometimes they feed on both of them. On the other hand, human beings generally feed on plants and animals.


  1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0169534709002298
  2. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Gordon-Burghardt/publication/313404986_On_the_origins_of_play/links/5f6b67e1a6fdcc0086362b0f/On-the-origins-of-play.pdf