Difference Between Anise and Fennel

Anise and fennel

Anise and fennel are seeds that are widely used for their medicinal properties.

Fennel, belonging to the Parsley family, has the botanical name, Foeniculum vulgare . They come in two categories — Foeniculum vulgare fennel and Foeniculum vulgare dulce. Foeniculum vulgare fennel is mainly grown for its oil and seeds, whereas Foeniculum vulgare dulce is also grown for its edible bulb, apart from oil and seeds. These fennels can grow from two to five feet tall.

Anise, native to Greece and Egypt, has the botanical name Pimpinella anisum. Anise grows smaller than fennel, about 18 inches tall.

The seeds of Anise and fennel are almost similar; both the seeds are oval in shape. Unlike the fennels, the seeds of Anise have sweet spicy flavour. A difference can be seen in ripe seeds between anise and fennel. When anise seeds ripen, it gets a gray-green colour whereas ripe fennel seeds have a brown colour.

Both the anise and fennel seeds are widely used in traditional medicines. Both the seeds are known to augment the production of breast milk, ease pain during delivery and improve digestion. They are good for bronchitis, constipation, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, head lice, coughs and gas.

Both the anise and fennel seeds are used as spice in many countries. In India, it has been seen that people chew seeds of fennel between meals for preventing gas. Fennel is also used in pork dishes and also to flavour drinks. Anise is also used as a flavouring agent in several drinks and also to add spice to sweet pastries.


  1. Fennel, belonging to the Parsley family, has the botanical name, Foeniculum vulgare.
  2. Anise, native to Greece and Egypt, has the botanical name, Pimpinella anisum.
  3. Fennels can grow from two to five feet tall.  Anise grows smaller than fennel, about 18 inches tall.
  4. Unlike the fennels, the seeds of Anise have a sweet spicy flavour.
  5. A difference can be seen in ripe seeds between anise and fennel. When anise seeds ripen, they get a gray-green colour whereas ripe fennel seeds have a brown colour.
  6. Both the seeds are known to augment the production of breast milk, ease pain during delivery and improve digestion. They are good for bronchitis, constipation, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, head lice, coughs and gas.
  7. Fennel is also used in pork dishes and also to flavour drinks. Anise is also used as a flavouring agent in several drinks and also to add spice to sweet pastries.