Difference Between Aquatic and Marine (With Table)

Water is very important for humans as well as animals. But due to pollution and mishandling of sewage, water contamination is increasing day by day, leading death of aquatic animals due to which the ecosystem is getting destructed and destroyed.

Water bodies should be protected from harmful things that are dumped into them. Because if it is not stopped, the aquatic animals will die, which can lead to harmful consequences. When we say, Aquatic and Marine, people get confused because both the terms are related to water. But both are different as Aquatic is a term referred to any of the water bodies, but Marine is only for big water bodies like saltwater, ocean, etc.

Aquatic vs Marine

The main difference between Aquatic and Marine is that when we are referring to the term Aquatic, we can relate it to any of the water bodies, whether small or big, but when it comes to the term Marine, we can only refer to large water bodies like the Arabian sea, Indian ocean, etc.

Aquatic bodies are those which live in freshwater. In simple words, we can refer to all types of water bodies using the term Aquatic, but it usually refers to the clean water that a normal human being can drink. Lakes, rivers, and animals living there can be referred to using the word Aquatic or Aquatic animals.

Marine is a term for large water bodies and where there is salty water that cannot be used for drinking. These water bodies cover large areas of earth, and tons of animals are present there. These are mostly preferred for catching fishes and other types of water animals, for example, the red sea, black sea, etc.

Comparison Table Between Aquatic and Marine

Parameters of Comparison




This term refers to all water bodies, but it usually refers to the clean water that a normal human being can drink.

Marine is a term for large water bodies and where there is salty water that cannot be used for drinking.

Type of water

Water is pure in form and suitable for drinking purposes.

Water contains salt and is not suitable for drinking.


Aquatic water bodies are less profitable because of less variety of water animals.

Marine water bodies are very profitable because of the variety of water animal species present in them.


Rivers, lakes, and ponds.

Seas, oceans, etc. For example, the Arabian Sea, and Indian ocean etc.


These water bodies are small in size and usually cover around 21646.88 sq per Km area.

These water bodies are very large in size and cover about 70 percent of the surface of our earth.

What is Aquatic?

Aquatic refers to pure water bodies which are small in size and does not cover much area. And this term includes or describes all types of water bodies and water animals too. This term also illustrates the freshness and purity of the water when it comes to its English meaning.

Some examples of Aquatic water bodies are rivers, lakes, and ponds, etc. These water bodies are spread in a small area and are not much profitable for fish marketing and other water animal marketing because of less availability of water animals in it.

The Aquatic word can also be used for describing vehicles that are run in water as well as in roads and types of sports that are related to water or are played in the water. Mainly it illustrates those things which are related to water or are done in water.

What is Marine?

Marine is also a term related to water bodies, but there is a difference because these water bodies are large in size and vast cover areas as compared to aquatic water bodies. This term illustrates big oceans and seas, which cover almost seventy percent of the surface of the earth.

Marine water is salty in taste and is not good for drinking purposes or any other thing. But these types of water bodies are very profitable as a large number of water animals live inside them, from big whales to varieties of small fishes. That is why it is more preferred when it comes to fish marketing.

Marine water covers almost half of the earth with lots of water animals like whales, sharks, and many more types of fishes. Submarines and big ships are used to travel through the ocean and seas because of their vastness.

Main Differences Between Aquatic and Marine

  1. Marine is a term related to water bodies, but there is a difference because these water bodies are large in size and vast cover areas. While Aquatic refers to freshwater bodies which are small in size and does not cover much area.
  2. Marine term illustrates seas and oceans, which are large in volume. But the term Aquatic can be used to describe any type of water bodies, but they should be small in size.
  3. Marine water is mostly salty and is not fit for drinking and doing any kind of activities with it. Whereas the Aquatic water bodies contain freshwater, which can be used for household purposes as well as for drinking.
  4. Aquatic water bodies are less profitable because of less variety of water animals. On the other hand, Marine water bodies are very profitable because of the variety of water animal species present in them.
  5. Marine water bodies are very large in size and cover about 70 percent of the earth’s surface. Whereas Aquatic water bodies do not cover much area.


Water comes under one of the most essential daily needs of every human being. Without it, one cannot live. Half of the earth is surrounded by icebergs, so the amount of drinking and usable water is less. For not to face a shortage of water, we should preserve rainwater as much as we can do.

Marine water is also not fit for drinking, and it constitutes about 70 percent of the earth’s surface. And aquatic water bodies which are suitable for drinking covers less percent of the earth’s surface. Therefore we should not waste the water.


  1. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=kUCrAQAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=aquatic&ots=bqYtihXr2A&sig=bxI5JIkcx_RaXSU0m4Fvv6lDRkk
  2. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=IHGIL7az7p0C&oi=fnd&pg=PA1&dq=marine&ots=qDYXG411Ny&sig=akStdoMaqFbreP8gy4rdMnm2Y74