Difference Between Arduino and 8051 Microcontroller (With Table)

Arduino and 8051 are different microcontrollers that are preferred for their unique features and exemplary quality. Microcontrollers refer to the circuits integrated to control an electronic system’s vital elements. Microcontrollers include a memory unit, peripherals, and a central processing unit. They provide for the smooth functioning of the system with no glitch.

Arduino vs 8051 Microcontroller

The main difference between Arduino and 8051 microcontrollers is that Arduino refers to the microcontroller that comes with the whole board complete and pre-tested hardware and software libraries, plus IDE. On the other hand, 8051 microcontrollers refer to a single-chip microcontroller with a family of numbers ranging between 8031 and 8751 of 8-bit.

Arduino denotes an open-source development board that is not merely a microcontroller but more accurately refers to a microcontroller board. It can also refer to a set of boards that are equipped with their respective IDE. IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment. This acts as a computing platform for the building of electronic projects.

The 851 Microcontroller falls in the family of numbers that has a range from 8031 u till 8751 in the 8-bits microcontrollers category. This is a microcontroller developed for embedded systems with a single chip design. A highly popular range of microcontrollers, they were formed by the Intel Corporation. This product is used for the formation of several electronic products.

Comparison Table Between Arduino and 8051 Microcontroller

Parameters of Comparison


8051 Microcontroller


A microcontroller board that consists of an IDE and software and hardware libraries that were tested prior to their placement.

This product falls under the family of 8 bits microcontrollers.

Founded By

The Arduino was founded by Interaction Design Institute Ivrea (IDII).

The 8051 Microcontroller was brought in by the Intel Corporation.

Speed of Clocking

This microcontroller board is capable of clocking from 16 MHz that can be further increased up to 20 MHz.

The 8051 Microcontroller has the potential to clock up to 12 MHz.

Memory and Storage

The Arduino possesses 32K bytes of SRAM.

The 8051 microcontroller is in possession of 128 bytes of RAM.


The Arduino is programmed by Arduino Ide.

The 8051 microcontrollers are programmed by Keil Uvision IDE.

What is Arduino?

Arduino refers to a microcontroller board. Though often pitted as a microcontroller, this product is a complete board that is delivered to the customers with an integrated development environment, also known as IDE.

The credit for developing the Arduino is given to Interaction Design Institute Ivrea (IDII). Founded in the year 2003 by students, his microcontroller board is used as a platform for computing, developing, and building electronic projects. It is known for the attention paid to its low-level electronic detail.

This board is also delivered with previously tried and tested software and hardware libraries, making it efficient and effective in its purpose. This product has three integral components: the external hardware, the IDE, and the Arduino board. These elements in the Arduino are used in the working and programming of this product.

The Arduino microprocessor board is typically used in controlling motors, lights, reading of sensors, processing inputs, and sending outputs.

The Arduino has specific power supply requirements ranging from six to twenty volts. The speed of clocking in this microcontroller board is averaged to 16 MHz. This follows a complete one-machine cycle that is considered equal to a complete clock cycle.

Arduino is frequently found to be used in home automation systems and IoT applications.

What is 8051 Microcontroller?

An Intel Corporation Company product, the 8051 microcontrollers are bound to be some of the best in the market. The processor’s origin is traced back to the year 1980. There have been several upgrades and features added to this microcontroller.

Considered to be a royal member of the family consisting of the 8-bits microcontrollers, it has a stellar range that starts from 8031 and goes up to 8751. This product is well-known and highly demanded across the planet.

These microcontrollers form the base of several thousand products and perform their function in an issueless manner. This microcontroller is known as the system on a chip due to its abilities and features.

The RAM has an impressive one hundred and twenty-eight bytes. The 8051 microcontroller also consists of a serial port, 4K bytes of ROM, two timers, and four different ports.

The program used in writing, compiling, and uploading this microcontroller is of the Keil Uvision IDE programming. With a power supply requirement of 5 up to 6.6 volts, the microcontroller has an efficient working process.

The clocking speed of the system is an average of 12 MHz, and the cycles are measured by equating one complete machine cycle to twelve clock cycle completions.

The 8051 model of the microcontroller is made up of 8-bit memory location and 8-bit and 16-bit registers. These are used in the operating of the software instructions in the design incorporation.

Main Differences Between Arduino and 8051 Microcontroller

  1. Arduino is a microcontroller board that is system-based. The 8051 microcontroller is an 8-bit family of microcontrollers.
  2. Arduino was developed by the IDII, whereas the 8051 microcontrollers were developed by the Intel Corporation.
  3. The Arduino possesses 32K bytes of Flash memory and SRAM of about 2K bytes. By comparison, the 8051 microcontroller has an incredible 128 bytes of RAM.
  4. There exist a number of support add-ons that increase the strength of the Arduino. however, the same does not apply to 8051 microcontrollers, which lack the availability of add-ons.
  5. The Arduino is used for operating home automation systems and IoT applications. The 8051 microcontrollers are used in engine systems, remote controls, power tools, etc.


A microcontroller is made up of a memory and central processing unit, and peripherals. The Arduino is incorrectly assumed to be a microcontroller frequently. However, this is a microcontroller board that comprises an integrated development environment (IDE). It also consists of software and hardware libraries that are previously tested. The components include external hardware, Arduino board, and IDE.

The 8051 Microcontroller refers to one of the leading microcontrollers categorized under the family number ranging between 8031 and 8751 of the 8-bits microcontrollers. This microcontroller, developed by Intel, is severely popular. It is used in the functioning of automated systems like – remote controls, toys, and appliances.


  1. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=H6W0U1z4NeoC&oi=fnd&pg=PR1&dq=arduino&ots=28rxGY5Ld0&sig=Mvix_EvU6T_Ejwg40UBGyc48Z4k
  2. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=bzTAMKnT3YUC&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=8051+microcontroller&ots=MArbok9qEh&sig=M6PVxg6SybL2TjzfEXPyi7ctVjo