Difference Between Arrhythmia and Dysrhythmia (With Table)

People often get confused when they hear these two words from a doctor but surprisingly, these two words have the same meaning. However, despite having the meaning same the word arrhythmia is the more prevalent one.

Now, you don’t have to confuse yourself with their meaning too. The meaning of arrhythmia is the heartbeat that beats in the normal pattern and dysrhythmia also means the same thing. There is only one major difference between the two words and that is their spellings.

Arrhythmia vs Dysrhythmia

The main difference between arrhythmia and dysrhythmia is that they have got different spellings. But, compared to dysrhythmia arrhythmia is the most preferred term used by doctors. These two words refer to the human heart and its condition.

People who have this condition need not be afraid because there are no complicated issues in your heart however, this condition can increase the chances of stroke or heart attacks in a person.

Comparison Table Between Arrhythmia and Dysrhythmia

Parameters of Comparison




The beating pattern of a heartbeat is called arrhythmia

The meaning is the same as arrhythmia. However, sometimes it is referred to an abnormal rhythm.

Most Preferred

It is the most preferred term used by the doctors

It is not that much preferred by doctors but it is used sometimes.


Scarring of heart tissue, change in your heart structure, high blood pressure, and many such conditions

Same as arrhythmia. Scarring of tissues, change in heart structure, blocked arteries, and many more.

Related to

The term is related to heart conditions

It is also related to heart conditions.


Weakness, dizziness, fainting, chest pain, rapid heartbeat, in extreme cases may cause cardiac arrest

It has also got the same symptoms similar to arrhythmia.

Normal Heartbeat

AHA suggests 60-100 bpm.

60-100 bpm

Preventive measures

Quit smoking, maintain a healthy weight, eating healthy, avoid caffeine, alcohol, daily exercise

The same as arrhythmia’s prevention measures.

What is Arrhythmia?

An irregular heartbeat means that you have an arrhythmia. Well, this kind of condition can be prevented too but if not taken care of properly can lead to the ultimate death of a person. People suffering from this condition may experience a quick heartbeat or a slow heartbeat. However, the beating rhythm will be irregular.

This condition occurs when the electrical signals that are responsible for coordinating with your heartbeats are not functioning properly. Many types of this condition are known to the doctors and they think that some of the kinds of this condition are harmless.

But, if the heartbeat is showing a high level of irregularity then it is the result of a weak heart and can cause severe pain or injury to the person. When symptoms start to show to a person then he/she needs to visit a doctor immediately or else serious complications may occur.

Some symptoms faced by people having this type of condition are weakness in their body, dizziness, experience frequently fainting, heart beating rapidly, shortness of their breath, having pain in the chest and in an extreme case, the patient may die due to cardiac arrest.

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), a person must have a heartbeat count of 60-100 beats per minute. There are several methods to check the heartbeat of a person like touching the wrists, inside the elbows, side of the neck, and the top of a foot. So, do the counting and if you see some irregularity then visit a doctor immediately.

What is Dysrhythmia?

Dysrhythmia is yet another term that has the same meaning. This is also the term used for an irregularity in a heartbeat. Whenever a person is suffering a condition that falls under this category then they are having dysrhythmia.

The heartbeat rate can be either slow or fast than the normal heartbeat rate. However, in both the case it shows irregularity and needs medical check-up. Treatments should be done to those people who are suffering from this condition because if once the situation gets worse then it may cost you your life.

The causes of this condition are the same as the causes of arrhythmia. Some of the causes of this type of condition are high blood pressure, muscle change in the heart vessel, disorders in heart valves, previous experience of a heart attack, and some other medical-related conditions.

However, unhealthy people also might suffer from this condition. For those people who are chain smokers, heavy drinkers have a habit of eating junk food, or does not exercise regularly please make sure that you change your lifestyle to a healthy one.

 You keep yourself healthy by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. If you ever notice a pain in your chest or shortness of breath or any other symptoms then please do visit a doctor immediately because the more you leave it untreated the more dangerous it is for you.

Main Differences Between Arrhythmia and Dysrhythmia

  1. Both these terms have got the same meaning but arrhythmia is the term that is preferred the most by doctors.
  2. There are several kinds under these two conditions of heart disease however, it is not necessary that all of them are dangerous and harmful for your body.
  3. The only difference between these two terms is their spelling and nothing else.
  4. Both have the same meaning and have the same causes, symptoms, treatments, and all other things.
  5. People suffering from this condition need not worry because most of the time the condition can be reversible.


In the end, it goes ‘Health is Wealth’. This is very much true because ultimately unhealthy people are the ones who have the most chance of suffering from this condition. However, it is not necessary that the condition might get you killed because certain conditions are harmless and if treated properly can be cured.

So, it is important that you should lead a healthy and proper lifestyle.


  1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/000349759290325X
  2. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012369216327076