Difference Between Asperger’s and Autism (With Table)

Medical science has achieved a height of growth and discoveries in terms of diseases, syndromes, and other disorders. Some of these happen to be more drastic than others, and it becomes important to have known about them in detail. Asperger’s and Autism are the two types of disorders that somehow connect with each other but can be differentiated. Although nowadays the diagnosis of both of these happens to be a similar procedure, they still differ in terms of origin and other salient features.

Asperger’s vs Autism 

The main difference between Asperger’s and Autism is that the former was once considered or still is considered as the mild version of the latter at some places. This happens to be the primary difference, and it arises because of the variety of symptoms or their severity with respect to the person concerned. However, this is not the only difference, and a handful of differences lie between the two due to their approach, suitableness, and diagnosis that used to take place earlier. 

Asperger’s is popularly termed as another name that is Asperger’s Syndrome. In most cases, people are discovered with this disorder up to the age of two years, and there is a possibility that they never get rid of the symptoms. Certain specific features of this syndrome are the problem in general communication or in expression or a low level of intelligence in the patient. Because of being related to behaviors that resemble autism, this is characterized by autism spectrum disorder. 

But on the contrary, Autism can be defined as a neurological disorder similar to Asperger’s but just with harsh and severe symptoms and conditions. People having this disorder are more likely to receive the worst symptoms, such as low IQ and communication difficulties. Although there is no such treatment available that is able to cure this disorder, certain practices have been developed with time that helps the patients to become more efficient and reduce the symptoms. 

Comparison Table Between Asperger’s and Autism 

Parameters of Comparison 




A neurological disorder or syndrome in which the person feels difficulty in understanding or expressing himself or has a poor intelligence level along with repeated patterns. 

A neurological disorder in which a person feels trouble communicating with others and shows behaviors that are consistent. This syndrome causes harsh symptoms. 


It is presumed to be obtained due to genetics.  

It is presumed to be obtained by genetics or factors related to the environment.  


Difficulty in understanding humor or sarcasm, violent behavior, difficulty in learning skills, etc. 

The symptoms exist in a variety of conditions such as Repetitive body movements, difficulty in communication, inability to understand society and good and bad, etc. 


It has a comparatively less harsh nature. 

It has a very harsh nature and can have really bad symptoms. 

Also known as 

Asperger’s disorder or syndrome 

High functioning autism. 

Named by 

It was named in the year 1925 by a Soviet psychiatrist named Grunya Sukhareva. 

The name was coined by a Psychiatrist of Switzerland Eugen Bleuler in the year 1910. 


Therapy and behavior or skills lessons are presumed to be helpful. 

Regular behavior exercises and lessons are presumed to be helpful. And the injection of rubella during pregnancy is also said to be helpful. 

What is Asperger’s? 

Asperger’s Illness, often known as Asperger’s Syndrome, is a neurological disorder or syndrome in which a person has trouble understanding or expressing himself, as well as a low intellectual level and repetitive patterns. 

This behavior is occasionally accompanied by the person’s violent or criminal actions. However, this is a very unusual arrest. When it comes to the origins of the phrase, it was coined by a Soviet psychiatrist named Grunya Sukhareva. 

However, the name was derived from Hans Asperger, an Austrian pediatrician. This is due to the fact that in 1944, a distinct category of children was described. These children struggled to form social bonds and acted violently or ignorantly toward even the slightest of objects.  

According to studies and research, this is caused by genetics and is mostly hereditary. Although there is no definitive treatment or medication for this ailment, therapy in the form of skill sessions has appeared to aid in some situations. Difficulties comprehending humor or sarcasm, hostile conduct, difficulty learning skills, and other symptoms are the most common. 

What is Autism? 

In the year 1910, a Swiss psychiatrist named Eugen Bleuler invented the term Autism. In simple terms, it is a neurological disease in which a person has difficulty communicating with others and exhibits consistent actions. 

This syndrome manifests itself in a variety of ways, including difficulty relating to society, difficulty communicating with peers, and the repetition of particular patterns, such as nodding the head or clapping hands. 

It was thought to be a naturally occurring condition in the beginning, but it wasn’t until 2007 that the world learned that this sickness is primarily caused by genetics. In fact, this is the most common form of genetic sickness. 

Although as far as a cure is concerned, there are not any, some regular behavior exercises and lessons are presumed to be helpful. And the injection of rubella during pregnancy is also said to be helpful. With the passage of time, the world has started this syndrome without labeling it a disease and labeling its patients psychotic. 

Main Differences Between Asperger’s and Autism 

  1. Asperger’s is basically a neurological disorder or syndrome in which the person feels difficulty in understanding or expressing himself, while on the other hand, Autism is a neurological disorder in which a person feels trouble communicating to others and shows behaviors that are consistent. 
  2. Asperger’s was named in the year 1925 by a Soviet psychiatrist named Grunya Sukhareva. But the name, Autism was coined by a Psychiatrist of Switzerland, Eugen Bleuler, in the year 1910. 
  3. Asperger’s is presumed to be obtained due to genetics. But on the contrary, Autism is presumed to be obtained by genetics or factors related to the environment. 
  4. Asperger’s disorder or syndrome is another name for Asperger’s, while High functioning autism is another name for Autism. 
  5. Asperger’s happens to be a disorder with mild symptoms, while Autism has more severe and harsh symptoms. 


A syndrome is considered less dangerous by people as compared to diseases, but in reality, the former is a more dangerous comparison as there is hardly any cure available. 

In cases of syndromes, it becomes really difficult to diagnose and cure the disorder. Earlier the Asperger’s and Autism were diagnosed separately, but after the year 2013, these two are diagnosed in the same manner. The difference between these is crucial to understand as they still showcase different features.


  1. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=05lyDb7hqX8C&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=aspergers+and+autism&ots=xIlsvRLMKG&sig=EVKASY_St6Ark6PH5DEnzyzZU4s
  2. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1469-8749.1989.tb04066.x