Difference Between Baptist and Pentecostal

Baptist and Pentecostal are two groups of Christianity, who share certain similarities and yet, they have many differences in their beliefs. One often gets confused between these two groups while others do not know of the differences between Baptist and Pentecostal. Therefore, this article seeks to distinguish the differences between Baptist and Pentecostal by first providing a brief introduction regarding them, as well.


The Baptists are best described as members of the Protestant Christian denomination that advocates baptism by total immersion of only adult believers as opposed to affusion or sprinkling. The ways of the Baptists are diverse and they are known to be quiet in their praying and they sing hymns in praise of the lord softly. Modesty is key to Baptists and they abhor contemporary music. For a Baptist, the faith is saved for eternity once they have received Jesus Christ as their saviour and that they are saved once they have repented their sins and prayed.


Although Pentecostals believe in the Holy Trinity, they believe more in the Spirit and Baptism of Holy Spirit. They believe that the glossolalia is the initial evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and the person has not been saved until he or she has believed, immersed, and received the “gift of the Holy Spirit.” They also believe that one loses salvation once their faith is lost and, therefore, does not believe in eternal salvation. Also, Pentecostals believe in speaking in tongues and they are often seen praying and singing hymns in loud voices. While they are mostly dressed in long modest dresses with no jewellery or adornment of any kind, they also believe that the television and listening to music are sins.

What is the difference between Pentecostals and Baptists?

As subdivisions of Christianity, both Baptists and Pentecostals share the same believes of the holy Trinity and yet, the Pentecostals have a tendency to believe more in the Spirit and Baptism of Holy Spirit whereas Baptists do not lean towards such a thing.

• The Pentecostals believe that God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are one. According to them, God exists and Jesus was conceived when God allowed his Spirit to overshadow Mary, making her pregnant.

• While Baptists believe in eternal salvation, Pentecostals do not. Baptists believe that the faith is saved for eternity once they have received Jesus Christ as their saviour and that they are saved once they have repented their sins and prayed whereas Pentecostals believe that a person has not been saved until he or she has believed, immersed, and received the “gift of the Holy Spirit” and that he or she loses salvation once their faith is lost.

• While Pentecostals believe that glossolalia is the initial evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Baptists do not believe in the existence of any particular charismatic gift.

• Pentecostals believe in the bliss and in evidence of being saved by speaking in other tongues and they are often seen choir singing, actual preaching and praying with their hands raised, crying, and sometimes more speaking in tongues. This can get quite ecstatic to the point of wailing, dancing, jumping, and running in the Spirit. Baptists are more silent in their praying and singing and they believe that direct revelation and tongue are not important.

• Unlike Baptists, Pentecostals allow women to become pastors.

• In terms of dress, both Baptists and Pentecostals believe in modest attire whereas the Pentecostals have a specific dress code.


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