Difference Between Bass and Treble

Bass and treble are important terms in music, and it is important to know the difference between these two terms in order to have a general understanding of music. The key difference between bass and treble is that bass sounds have the lowest frequencies whereas treble sounds have the highest frequencies. Other various between these two such as the instruments used, types of singers, the notations used are all based on this discrepancy of frequencies.

1. Overview and Key Difference
2. What does Bass Mean
3. What does Treble Mean
4. Side by Side Comparison – Bass vs Treble
5. Summary

What Does Bass Mean?

Bass refers to tones with lower frequency, pitch, and range. Bass range from 16 to 256 Hz (C0 to middle C4). Bass sound is the counterpart to treble sound. They are the lowest part of the harmony in musical compositions. Instruments such as double bass, cellos, bassoon, tuba, bass trombone, and timpani are used to produce bass sound in orchestras. Bass clef is used to notate bass sounds.

Bass voice refers to a type of classical singing voice which has the lowest range of voice types.  In choral music, the bass sound is added by adult male singers.

What Does Treble Mean?

Treble refers to tones with a high frequency, i.e. a range at the higher end of human hearing. In music, treble refers to high notes. This is characterized by very high pitched tones or sound. These have frequencies of 2.048 kHz-16.384 kHz (C7-C10). Instruments such as guitars, violin, flute and piccolos can produce treble sounds. In written music, the treble clef is used to notate the treble sounds.

A treble voice is a voice which sings the treble part in a composition. This is the highest pitch part in the absence of a separate descant part. This sound is typically produced by child singers. Although the term treble voice is gender neutral, it is often used interchangeably with the term boy soprano in England.

Figure 1: Treble and Bass Clefs with note letters and numbers

What is the difference between Bass and Treble?

Bass vs Treble

Bass refers to tones with low frequency or range. Treble refers to tones with high frequency or range.
Bass range from 16 to 256 Hz (C0 to middle C4). Treble range from 2.048 kHz to16.384 kHz (C7 – C10).
Bass sounds can be produced by instruments like double bass, cellos, bassoon, tuba, timpani. Treble sounds can be produced by instruments like flute, violin, saxophone, clarinet and oboe.
Choral Music
The bass part is typically sung by adult males. The treble part is sung by children, typically boys.
Bass clef is typically used to notate bass sounds. Treble clef is typically used to notate treble sounds.

Summary – Bass vs Treble

The main difference between bass and treble is their frequencies or ranges. Treble sound is the highest frequency whereas bass sound is the lowest frequency. The type of voices and the type of instruments used in compositions differ according to these frequencies. For example, the treble parts are played by instruments such flutes, violins and clarinets whereas bass parts are played by instruments such as cellos, tubas and timpanis. The notation used to record these sounds also differs.

Image Courtesy:
1. “Bass and Treble clef” By Lthown – Own work (CC BY 3.0) via Commons Wikimedia