Difference Between Beer and Malt Liquor

Beer vs Malt Liquor

You may have consumed both beer and malt liquor, and have noticed a difference in their flavors. Well, apart from this, there are many other differences between the two. Indeed, some people consider malt liquor to be inferior to beer.

The main difference between malt liquor and beer is in the way in which they are made and in the alcohol content. Beer is either top fermented or bottom fermented, while malt liquor is only bottom fermented.

When considering the alcohol content, malt liquor has a higher alcohol content than beer. Malt alcohol often contains corn, added sugar, or other substances that increase the alcohol content. Beer contains less alcohol, usually less than five percent. Drinks that exceed this are called malt liquor, lager or ale. Malt liquor has an alcohol content of 12 percent or more.

When it comes to taste, malt liquor lacks the bitter taste that comes with beer. This is because malt liquor has been sweetened. Malt liquor also has a more spicy taste than beer. Beer is milder, and has a smoother flavor than malt liquor.

As earlier stated, some people consider malt liquor to be an inferior beer, as it is sold in large bottles. Malt liquor is sold in 40-ounce bottles, whereas beer is sold in 12-ounce bottles. Malt liquor is cheaper than beer.

Malt liquor is considered to be inferior in quality to beer. Malt liquor has been known as an alcoholic beverage common amongst the lower classes. One can get drunk more quickly with malt liquor than with beer.

1. Beer is either top fermented or bottom fermented, while malt liquor is only bottom fermented.
2. Beer contains less alcohol, normally less than five percent. Malt liquor, on the other hand, has a higher alcohol content, usually 12 percent or more.
3. Malt liquor lacks the bitter taste that comes with beer. It also has a spicier taste. Beer is milder and has a smoother flavor than malt liquor.
4. Malt liquor is sold in 40-ounce bottles, whereas beer is sold in 12-ounce bottles.
5. Malt liquor is cheaper than beer.