Difference Between Beer Pong and Beirut

Beer Pong vs Beirut

Beer pong and Beirut are famous drinking games that are played in many parts of the world. The popularity of these games has led to the origin of many tournaments in the local bars.

Of the two games, Beer pong is the most played game. One can come across more tournaments of the Beer pong game than the Beirut game. Another difference that can be seen between the two is that paddles are used to hit the balls in Beer pong, whereas the ball is thrown by hand in Beirut.

When talking about the rules of the two games, they are different. In Beer pong, the players shoot balls into the opposite cups. The team that first shoots the balls into the cups wins the game, and the opposite team has to drink the remaining beer.

In Beirut as well, the rules are almost the same as those for Beer pong, but if a player shoots the ball into a cup, the opposite team has to drink two cups of beer. If a player calls for a solo cup and drains it, the opposite team takes away two cups. If a player hits three in a row, he has to shoot again. If the ball rolls back to the player’s side, he can shoot it again only from behind the back.

Beer pong is believed to have originated in the 1950’s or 1960’s with the drinking culture of Dartmouth College fraternities. Beer pong resembles the original ping pong game, but with cups of beer.

On the other hand, the origin of the Beirut game is often disputed. Some say that the name was coined at Lehigh University or Bucknell University at the time of the Lebanese Civil War, and another version is that it originated at Lafayette College.


1. Paddles are used to hit the balls in Beer pong, whereas the ball is thrown by hand in Beirut.

2. The rules of both Beirut and Beer pong are different. Though Beirut rules are almost the same as those of Beer pong, Beirut has more rules.

3. Beer pong is believed to have originated in the 1950’s or 1960’s with the drinking culture of Dartmouth College fraternities.

4. The origin of the Beirut game is often disputed. Some say that the name was coined at Lehigh University or Bucknell University at the time of Lebanese Civil War, and another version is that it originated at Lafayette College.