Difference Between Bees and Hornets

The key difference between bees and hornets is that the bees can generally sting once while hornets can sting multiple times. This is the behavirol difference. Further, the difference between bees and hornets in appearance is that the bees have distinct brown and black colour bands while the hornets have relatively large top margin of the head and rounded segment of the abdomen. Using these features one can easily distinguish one from the other.

Bees and hornets are two groups of Phylum Arthropoda. Bees are not aggressive insects but are beneficial pollinators. Hornets are a type of wasps that are more aggressive and chase people for a long distance but are beneficial predators.


1. Overview and Key Difference
2. What are Bees
3. What are Hornets
4. Similarities Between Bees and Hornets
5. Side by Side Comparison – Bees vs Hornets  in Tabular Form
6. Summary

What are Bees?

Bees are an insect group of Plylum Arthropoda. In general, they are popular as nectar collectors. They produce and store honey. They possess distinct colour bands composed of brown and black. Furthermore, their bodies are hairy.

Figure 01: Bees

Bees do not sting unless they are hurt. Though they are able to sting, they die after the first sting, unlike hornets. Also, compared to hornets, they are not aggressive. They are also very important as pollinators.

What are Hornets?

Hornets are a type of wasps that belong to Phylum Arthropoda. They make nests from paper pulps. Hornets are aggressive insects. They sting multiple times without dying. They also chase people for a long distance to harm. Furthermore, they can become aggressive unprovoked. Even small sound can aggravate them and provoke them to sting people around them. Unlike bees, they are not capable of producing honey.

Figure 02: Hornets

You can distinguish hornets from other wasps by their relatively large top margin of the head and the rounded segment of the abdomen.

What are the Similarities Between Bees and Hornets?

  • Both are insects.
  • They belong to the same family.
  • They live in colonies.
  • Both are able to fly and sting.

What is the Difference Between Bees and Hornets?

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 Bees vs Hornets

Bees are a group of insects that collect nectar and produce honey. Hornets are a group of wasps that act as insect pest predators.
Sting once Multiple stings
Consume pollens and nectar Feed on other insects
Not aggressive as hornets More aggressive
  Production of Honey
Produce and store honey Do not produce honey
Pollen Baskets
Have pollen baskets Do not have pollen baskets
Nests are made from beeswax Nests are made from paper pulp
Not predators Predators
Good pollinators Not pollinators
Die after they sting once Do not die after the first sting
Do not attack unless any disturbance occurs Attack unprovoked
Do not chase people. They defend the immediate area of the nest. Chase people for a long distance

Summary – Bees vs Hornets

Bees and hornets are two insect groups, which are beneficial pollinators and beneficial predators, respectively. Bees produce honey and make nests from beeswax. Hornets cannot produce honey and they make nests from paper pulps. Unlike hornets, bees sting once and die. Hornets remain alive even after multiple stings. This is the difference between bees and hornets.