Difference Between Black and Brown Crickets (With Table)

Black and brown crickets, variations of the common cricket of the family Gryllidae (which belongs to the subfamily Gryllinae and the order Orthoptera), are insects closely connected to bush crickets or katydids and remotely connected to grasshoppers.

Black vs Brown Crickets

The main difference between black crickets and brown crickets is that black crickets are found to be large, more aggressive, brawnier with a hard exoskeleton which makes it hard for insectivores to bite, and mostly remain on the ground and move more slowly than the brown ones whereas brown crickets are slimmer, less aggressive, more compact, have a softer exoskeleton which makes them easy to chew and have large muscular hind legs which help them jump about more frequently compared to black crickets.

Black crickets are primarily classified as field crickets because they are mostly seen outdoors while brown crickets are classified as house crickets because they are generally found in residential areas.

Crickets are generally categorized as omnivores and are considered scavengers for crickets feast on dying or dead life forms (like plants or insects) in the environment and are likewise favored as a food source for a variety of reptiles like lizards, spiders, and frogs.

Their anatomy consists of a hard exoskeleton, segmented narrow body, two compound eyes and three simple eyes, well built hind legs for jumping, two long antennae, straight leathery forewings which serve as an outer protective cover for the large and delicate hind wings, strong jaws for biting, two cerci and an ovipositor (only in females). The male crickets are prominent for their chirping sounds which are produced by rubbing their fore wings in conjunction.


Comparison Table Between Black and Brown Crickets (in Tabular Form)

Parameter of comparison

Black crickets

Brown crickets

House/field crickets

Black crickets are also known as field crickets.

Brown crickets are also known as house crickets.


Black crickets are considered to be larger, noisier, and do not tend to jump around frequently.

Brown crickets are smaller, tend to jump around frequently, and are comparatively quieter.


Black crickets are said to have a thicker exoskeleton.

Brown crickets are said to have a softer exoskeleton.

Ideal food choice

Black crickets are not very ideally preferred as food in pet shops.

Brown crickets are viewed as an ideal food choice for various amphibian and reptile pets at pet shops.


Black crickets have an aggressive temperament.

Brown crickets have a docile temperament.


What are Black Crickets?

The black cricket, also known as Acheta assimilis (scientific name), belongs to a family called Gryllidae. The Gryllidae belongs to the subfamily Gryllinae and the order Orthoptera. The black crickets are mostly found outside and are said to be field crickets. The black crickets are large, meatier, and have spindlier legs. Although the black crickets move quite slowly, they are considered to be very aggressive and most likely ought to bite.

 Black crickets have a hard shell which is a sign of protection for them as it shields them from being eaten up easily by other animals. Black crickets are comparatively noisier as they make loud chirping noises and tend to eat more food. Black crickets are also considered to be ideal pets.

During the day, black crickets usually hide in the ground, tall grass, the soil or even in organic lawn debris and come out of their hiding spots at night to look for food. Black crickets are considered omnivores and are said to mostly feed on plants and animal remains. Black crickets are mostly found in the United States, Australia, Mexico and Canada.  A female black cricket can lay up to 400 eggs and their general life expectancy is expected to last only for a few months.


What are Brown Crickets?

Brown crickets, also known as the Acheta domesticus (scientific name) also belong to the same family of Gryllidae. Brown crickets are said to be house crickets and are usually found inside residential areas. Black crickets are mostly found in Southwestern Asia. In the years 1950 and 2000, brown crickets were mostly used as food in research centers but now, brown crickets can be ideal pets as well.

Brown crickets are, as the name suggests, brown and are 16-21mm in length. Brown crickets are said to have a softer shell, slimmer, and jump more often when compared to black crickets. Brown crickets do not have an aggressive temperament and are most suitable when it comes to feeding other domestic animals like iguanas, frogs, lizards, etc. Brown crickets are also quieter and are not as noisy as black crickets.

In 2002, the breeding of the house crickets in cricket breeding industries initially stopped due to cricket paralysis virus but then later continued once again during the year 2010. The house cricket is also an edible insect. In south-east Asia, America, and Europe, people consume brown crickets for they are said to be a protein dish that contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Brown crickets survive best at a temperature of 26 to 32 °C and their lifespan is expected to last for approximately 2-3 months.

Main Differences Between Black and Brown Crickets

  1. Black crickets, also known as Acheta assimilis, which mainly dwell in outside surrounding are said to field crickets. Brown crickets, also known as Acheta domesticus, which mainly dwell inside residential areas are said to be house crickets.
  2. Black crickets have a hard shell, are large, and do not tend to jump around but instead are said to walk slowly. Brown crickets have a soft shell, are smaller and slimmer, and tend to jump around using their muscular legs.
  3. Black crickets have a denser and thicker exoskeleton which serves as a protection when it comes to being eaten by other animals.  Brown crickets have a softer and thinner exoskeleton.
  4. Black crickets are not preferably used as food fodder in pet shops since black crickets have a hard shell. Brown crickets are the most ideal food used in pet shops to feed amphibian and reptilian pets and can be bred domestically.
  5. Black crickets are said to have an aggressive temperament and tend to bite people. Brown crickets are calmer and do not have an aggressive temperament.



This article highlights the features of black crickets and brown crickets to help give clarity on how dissimilar they are even though they belong to the same family. However, when it comes to choosing the best one, both almost share the same popularity and have certain similarities to them as well.

Black and brown crickets are perfect pets and food sources for animals (mostly reptiles) as they are the most frequently used insects when it comes to nourishing insectivorous animals.

 As pets, black and brown crickets are extremely well-liked and they are reasonably easy to care. Their adoration rises due to the chirping noises they produce. To nurture a black or brown cricket, basic foods and an enclosure with the right amount of air circulation is important. Furthermore, since these crickets don’t adapt very well to cold seasons, it is vital to keep them warm. With regards to feeding insectivores, black and brown crickets are generally sought after and purchased in large quantities either to be domestically bred as a food source or directly as pet food.

However, when compared to the nature of these crickets, black crickets tend to be more aggressive, noisy and are more likely to bite whereas brown crickets are considered a lot more tamed and not very noisy.


  1. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_cricket
  2. https://www.psu.edu/dept/nkbiology/naturetrail/speciespages/cricket.htm