Difference Between BPM and Workflow

BPM vs Workflow

BPM and workflow are most of the time considered to be the same. However, the two are different in all aspects, and are separate entities.

Workflow is related to a sequence of activities, which involves both manual activities and automated (software-based) procedures. On the other hand, Business Process Management, or BPM, is related to the execution and management of business processes.

BPM can be termed as a superset of workflow. Business Process Management can also be termed as a process of managing the problems of businesses. On the other hand, workflow is purely a technological aspect. The BPM also uses workflow as one of the processes to manage business.

While BPM is related to a series of activities, which is independent from specific applications, workflow is related to a series of applications with specific tasks. Unlike workflow, BPM has the ability to coordinate various activities.

BPM can be used across a whole host of systems and applications with universal control. There is no limitation in the use of the various systems. Although in the case of workflow, one can see that the integration between specific systems and other systems is limited. Although workflow permits the retrieval of documents and data, it does not have any content analysis.

Unlike BPM, the process flow is fixed for workforce. This means that it cannot adapt to, or provide for multiple possible paths.

When considering workforce, it does not give an insight into the process. On the other hand, BPM allows governance by simulating, analysing and controlling the whole process with certain features, such as business intelligence, business rules, groupware and management dashboards.

BPM enables process governance and introduces technologies that permit design and execution of applications related to business processes, but workforce does not allow for this.


1. Workflow is related to a sequence of activities, which involves both manual activities and automated (software-based) procedures. On the other hand, Business Process Management, or BPM, is related to the execution and management of business processes.

2. BPM can be termed as a process of managing the problems of businesses. On the other hand, workflow is purely a technological aspect.

3. Unlike workflow, BPM has the ability to coordinate various activities.

4. There is no limitation in the use of the various systems of BPM. When considering workflow, one can see that the integration between specific systems and other systems is limited.

5. Unlike BPM, the process flow is fixed for workflow.