Difference Between Brainly and Doubtnut (With Table)

Doubt clearing sites and apps have seen rapid growth in the past few years. Students now can easily find a solution or a better explanation on topics that they want help with. It helps to understand the topic or a query in a subject better.

Brainly and Doubtnut are both e-learning platforms that students use to have their queries solved. They both have different functions and features for their users. Thus it is important to know which one is more suitable for the particular person with a particular question(s).

Brainly vs Doubtnut

The main difference between Brainy and Doubtnut is that on Brainly, there can be a larger variety of topics and questions to be asked and answered compared to Doubtnut, which only help in two subjects: Maths and branches of Science. Also, on Brianly, anybody can answer the question asked, while on Doubtnut, only Doubtnut’s employees can answer.

Brainly is a knowledge-sharing site where its users can ask questions and reply to those on which they have expertise. Most of the content on the website is free to use, but they do have the option to subscribe to a couple of plans on it that has added features like no interruption, verified answers, etc.

Doubtnut is a site where it provides answers to the queries or, more certainly, “Doubts” that people ask, ranging from topics that include Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Biology, and Science. One can simply click their question on a paper and upload it to find the answer.

Comparison Table Between Brainly and Doubtnut

Parameters of Comparison



Place of headquarters

Kraków, Malopolskie, Poland

Gurugram, India

Year of discovery



Discovered by

Lukasz Haluch, Michał Borkowski, and Tomasz Kraus.

Aditya Shankar and Tanushree Nagori


It has three subscriptions with extra functions.

There are no subscriptions in Doubtnut.

Subjects offered

Brianly has a wider range of topics and subjects.

In comparison to Brainly, Doubtnut has a fewer amount of subjects.

What is Brainly?

Brainly is an online learning platform where students and other people wanting answers. One can simply make and sign in to their account on the network and then start asking and writing on various types of topics. As of 2020, it is the most popular education app.

The main aim of the website was to initiate confidence in students that might arise from having helped others while answering their questions that they know answers to. The platform has the option of “Brianly tutor” that can solve the question of the student quite fast in comparison to waiting for someone to write the answer to. It is because the platform then connects to an expert online to solve the query of the person.

Brainly is one the most well-known question and answers sites as it makes writing the answers interesting. For every answer, the person may get the point, and one can go and achieve ranks, the top being the genius one. The more points a person uses in the question, the faster they’ll get the result.

What is Doubtnut?

Doubtnut is an e-learning platform where students can ask about topics related to Maths and science. They expertise in the syllabus of classes starting from 6th standard to 12th standard. The videos on the concepts make the information and the learning more interesting for the students.

Because the platform uses image recognition technology, it has the ability to report answers back just by clicking getting send a photo of the problem by the student. Doubtnut is also known as Class 21A Technologies.

Doubtnut has recently launched a WhatsApp Bot that can answer math-related queries instantly. This is something that the other doubt clearing sites have still not assembled. The company has now launched their own app that can be downloaded from Google play, the answers would be received in the form of a video, and if they can’t find one, then the person has to write the answer on the platform and wait for it to be answered by the people.

Main Differences Between Brainly and Doubtnut

  1. Brainy has a better variety of topics than subjects offered by Doubtnut. Brainly has additional subjects like English, Social Sciences, etc., that in comparison are not available on Doubtnut.
  2. Brianly has a feature of the leaderboard on its interference. On the other hand, Doubtnut doesn’t have it. Brianly’s leaderboard is used by the answer providers as they collect points. The Higher number of points, the higher the rank of the person.
  3. Doubtnut is more or so video-based, while in comparison, Brainly is writing-based.
  4. Doubtnut’s content is all free, and according to the company, it will always be. Brianly’s, on the contrary, has three types of subscription plans for the users. These are Monthly, Semi-annual, and Annual subscription plans.
  5. On Brianly, students can ask questions, and its answers can be provided by anyone who knows them. In comparison, on Doubtnut, only the experts hired by the website can answer the doubts of the students.
  6. On Brainly general questions can also be asked and responded to, but on Doubtnut, the doubts have to be related to only a couple of topics that includes matters like maths and science.


Now, sites like Brianly and Doubtnut are used in great length. Why? Because websites like these act as a bridge between the queries and their answers. Brainly is more popular and also older than doubtnut, but they both have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Brianly has that since there is no particular requirement for answering the questions, anyone can go, sign up, and write anything, It means the answer has the full chance of being wrong, and thus, the information that the person may get would be wrong. Doubtnut has limited topics.


  1. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15228053.2021.1901352
  2. https://www.learntechlib.org/p/27558/