Difference Between Cappuccino And Mocha (With Table)

Beyond any doubt, coffee has established itself as a worldwide drink. The proof of this popularity is that 35% of the population drinks coffee regularly. Since coffee is famous around the globe, it is natural that new variations will develop. Cappuccino and Mocha are two such variations.

Cappuccino vs Mocha

The main difference between Cappuccino and Mocha is that Cappuccino uses steamed milk and milk foam as the ingredients. On the other hand, Mocha needs chocolate syrup and steamed milk. Moreover, Cappuccino has a creamy taste whereas Mocha has a chocolaty taste. Also, Cappuccino has a higher caffeine level than Mocha.

Cappuccino is a coffee drink prepared by using espresso as a base. After that, the barista adds steamed milk, and then milk foam. Baristas do the fabulous coffee art on this foam. A Cappuccino uses equal amounts of steamed milk, espresso, and milk foam which makes it a strong and highly-concentrated drink.

Mocha takes espresso and then adds hot chocolate on top of it. After that, the barista adds steamed milk. Mocha is less frequently known as Cafe Mocha and Mochaccino. The chocolate (usually chocolate syrup) is an essential component of Mocha as without it the Mocha would be a latte.

Comparison Table Between Cappuccino and Mocha

Parameters of Comparison




On an espresso base, the barista adds steamed milk and milk foam.

Barista adds hot chocolate over the espresso base. Then, he adds steamed milk over the chocolate


Creamy and strong


Caffeine levels (per 100 ml)

43.39 mg

42.83 mg

Other names

No other names

Also known as Café Mocha Mochaccino


Milk foam

Whipped Cream

Developed in


United States of America


Wet, Ice, Flavored, and Dry Cappuccino

Peppermint, dark chocolate, and white chocolate Mocha

What is Cappuccino?

Cappuccino is a kind of coffee drink. First, espresso shots are pulled in a cup. Then, on the espresso, the barista adds steamed milk. After that, the milk foam is added on top of the steamed milk, and the drink is ready. Also, baristas do the famous coffee art on the milk foam of Cappuccino which is part of the reason why it is so famous.

Cappuccino originated in the 1700s in Vienna and was known as “Kapuziner”. Kapuziner was prepared with coffee and cream and was nothing like the modern-day version. The records say that it originated in the 1930s. However, after the popularity of espresso machines in the 1950s, Cappuccino got widespread fame and its identity as a drink with steamed milk and foam.

A Cappuccino generally uses one or two espresso shots as the base. Initially, espresso has a high caffeine level but it is diluted by the milk. Therefore, the amount of caffeine in 100ml Cappuccino is around 43mg. Also, Cappuccino is rich in fat. The combination of caffeine and fat is what gives it an intense taste.

Ice, Dry, Flavored, and Wet are some available types. Each uses varied methods and produces different drinks.

What is Mocha?

The process of preparing Mocha starts by pulling espresso shots in a vessel (generally a glass). After that, the barista adds chocolate (usually syrup) and steamed milk on top. Also, baristas sometimes add whipped cream and cocoa powder or chocolate chips to increase the chocolaty taste. Mocha is also known as Café Mocha, Mochaccino, and Mocaccino.

“Mocha” was used to define the coffee beans imported from a Yemeni city called Al Moka. Al Moka was once the hub for trade and commerce and the Mocha beans traveled from there. However, Italian culture highly influenced Mocha. The evidence says that the Mocha originated in the United States in the 20th century and an Italian drink called Bicerin was the inspiration.

A cup of Mocha contains 180 calories and 6.6g of fat. It is also rich in carbohydrates, calcium, and other minerals. Moreover, 100ml of Mocha is composed of 42.83mg caffeine. This amount is more than a latte but less than a cappuccino due to chocolate.

The different types of Mochas are Peppermint Mocha, Dark Chocolate Mocha, White Chocolate Mocha, etc. Sometimes, people call Mocha a latte with chocolate. The reason is that both of them use espresso and steamed milk as ingredients.

Main Differences Between Cappuccino and Mocha

  1. Ingredients used in a Cappuccino are espresso, steamed milk, and milk foam. On the other hand, ingredients used in Mocha are espresso, chocolate, and steamed milk.
  2. Cappuccino has a creamy and bold taste. On the other hand, Mocha has a chocolaty and strong taste.
  3. Per 100ml of Cappuccino has 43.39mg caffeine as compared to Mocha which has 42.83mg of caffeine.
  4. Cappuccino has no other names but Mocha is also known as Café Mocha, Mocaccino, or Mochaccino.
  5. Cappuccino uses milk foam as a topping. On the other hand, Mocha uses whipped cream as a topping.
  6. Cappuccino originated in Italy. On the other hand, Mocha originated in the United States.
  7. Cappuccino is available in different types like wet cappuccino, ice cappuccino, dry cappuccino, or flavored cappuccino. On the other hand, the different types of Mocha are peppermint, dark and white chocolate, etc.


The dissimilarities between Cappuccino and Mocha aren’t obscure as both of them are made from different ingredients and therefore have different tastes. However, since both of them are made from coffee, they share a similarity in flavors. This similarity is the reason for confusion not just between Cappuccino and Mocha but also between every other coffee beverage. With more than 20 types of coffee drinks available in the market, getting confused and overwhelmed after seeing the menu card of a café is normal.

To summarize, Cappuccino is prepared by adding steamed milk over espresso and then depositing a layer of milk foam on the top. A barista makes Mocha by first pulling an espresso shot and then adding hot chocolate on it and then finally adding steamed milk. Oftentimes, chocolate chips or powder and whipped cream are added to provide an outstanding taste.


  1. https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlehtml/2012/fo/c1fo10240k
  2. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-4615-6657-1_1