Difference Between Clonazepam and Xanax

Clonazepam vs Xanax

Some illnesses caused by the brain have different effects on the body. So the first resort of the doctor is medications intended specifically for these neurological and psychological diseases. Examples of these illnesses are anxiety and seizures. If these illnesses aren’t quickly treated, severe aftereffects will occur in the body therefore causing more harm.

Two of the medications intended for the above illnesses are Clonazepam and Xanax. Both Xanax and Clonazepam are classed under benzodiazepines.

Xanax is a drug for the treatment of anxiety disorders ranging from moderate anxiety to severe anxiety then to panic attacks. Clonazepam, on the other hand, is a drug used for seizures, convulsions, for anxiety disorders, and for epilepsy.

Xanax is a trade name, and its generic name is Alprazolam. Clonazepam, on the other hand, is a generic drug, and its trade names are Klonopin and Rivotril. Xanax was released and patented by Pfizer in 1969. Clonazepam is marketed by Roche in the U.S.

Taking Xanax and Clonazepam on a long-term basis have significant effects on the body. When a patient takes Xanax, physical dependence may occur. Additionally, there will be withdrawal and rebound effects once halted. The withdrawal effects and syndrome are said to be the same as those with alcohol. So it is always advised to wean off at a slow rate by taking a lower dosage of the drug. People taking Clonazepam for more than four weeks develop tolerance, dependence, and withdrawal symptoms as well. Cognitive impairment, paradoxical effects, plus drowsiness also occur. Thus, Clonazepam has more side effects than Xanax.

Xanax is available in short release and extended release formulas. Clonazepam does not have a short release and extended release version. Extended release tablets by Xanax are a great option if people do not want to take tablets frequently. These tablets work by prolonging the potency of the drug in the blood stream thus the effect of the drug will also be longer.

In the end, drugs should help people cope with their illnesses. However, people should not be dependent on drugs as tolerance, dependency, and withdrawal effects may occur. People should try to prevent and fight off their diseases more naturally.


1.Xanax is a trade name of Alprazolam while Clonazepam is a generic drug.
2.Xanax is a drug for the treatment of anxiety particularly panic attacks. Clonazepam is also a drug for anxiety disorders, but it is also used for epilepsy.
3.Clonazepam has more side effects than Xanax.
4.Xanax is available in an extended release formula while Clonazepam isn’t.