Difference Between Collagen Elastin and Reticular Fibers

The key difference between collagen elastin and reticular fibers is that collagen fibers are the most abundant type of fibers in the extracellular matrix of connective tissues while elastin fibers are tiny fibers that can stretch and recoil and they are found in elastic tissues. Meanwhile, reticular fibers are highly branched fibers which form a delicate network in organs that have lots of mesh-like internal structure.

Connective tissue is the most abundant and widely distributed tissue found in our body. Connective tissue holds our tissues and organs together. Therefore, it connects, separates and supports all of the tissues in our body. Connective tissue also protects our tissues from injuries. Cells, fibers and ground substance are the three major components of the connective tissue. Fibers found in the connective tissue can be categorized into three types as collagen, elastin and reticular protein fibers. Collagen fibers are the strongest and thickest fibers. Elastin fibers are thinner fibers which can stretch and recoil. Reticular fibers, on the other hand, are highly branched delicate fibers found in organs that have lots of mesh-like structures.


1. Overview and Key Difference
2. What are Collagen Fibers
3. What are Elastin Fibers
4. What are Reticular Fibers
5. Similarities Between Collagen Elastin and Reticular Fibers
6. Side by Side Comparison – Collagen vs Elastin vs Reticular Fibers in Tabular Form
7. Summary

What are Collagen Fibers?

Collagen fibers are the most abundant protein fibers found in the extracellular matrix of the connective tissue. They are white colour fibers. Among the three types of fibers found in the connective tissue, collagen fibers are the thickest and strongest. They are tiny but very strong fibers. Collagen fibers are made from collagen fibrils which are thread-like sub-units. They are made of groups of triplets of individual collagen molecules which are arranged side by side. Collagen fibrils have a characteristic 64 nm banded appearance.

Figure 01: Collagen Fibers

Collagen is a protein having about 30 subtypes. Among them, 4 types are most represented. They are collagen type I, type II, type III and type VI. Collagen type I is the most prevalent type of collagen and accounts for 90 % of body collagen. Type I is found in the dermis of the skin, bone, tendon, fasciae, organ capsules and many other areas. Collagen fibers make the extracellular framework of all tissues. They are extremely important for tensile strength.

What are Elastin Fibers?

Elastin fibers are a type of protein fibers found in connective tissues. They are also known as yellow fibers. Elastin fibers are able to stretch and recoil. It can return to its original shape once it is stretched or compressed. They are made from a rubber-like protein called elastin.

Figure 02: Elastin Fibers

Moreover, they have lesser amounts of other proteins (elaunin and oxytalan) and glycoproteins. Elastin fibers are abundant in elastic tissues found in skin and the elastic ligaments of the vertebral column.

What are Reticular Fibers?

Reticular fibers are a type of protein fibers found in reticular connective tissue. Reticular fibers are made from very fine collagen fibrils which appear as 64 nm bandings.

Figure 03: Reticular Fibers

Reticular fibers are highly branched and form a delicate network. Therefore, they are mainly found in organs that have lots of mesh-like internal structure. Spleen and lymphoid organs are two such organs. Spleen is full of reticular fibers since it acts as a filter. Moreover, reticular fibers are argyrophilic fibers that stain with ammoniacal silver solutions.

What are the Similarities Between Collagen Elastin and Reticular Fibers?

  • Collagen, elastin and reticular are three types of protein fibers found in the connective tissue.
  • Extracellular matrix of connective tissue is composed of these three types of fibers.
  • All three fibers are embedded in the ground substance.
  • Loose connective tissue has all three types of fibers.
  • These fibers provide support for tissues and organs.

What is the Difference Between Collagen Elastin and Reticular Fibers?

Collagen fibers are the strongest and thickest protein fibers found abundantly in the connective tissue. Elastin fibers are thinner fibers which can stretch and recoil while reticular fibers are highly branched delicate fibers found in organs that have lots of mesh-like structures. So, this is the key difference between collagen elastin and reticular fibers.

Moreover, in connective tissues, collagen fibers are the most common in various types of connective tissues, while elastin fibers are prominent in elastic tissues and reticular fibers are prominent in spleen and lymphoid organs. Collagen fibers and reticular fibers are made from collagen fibrils while elastin fibers are made mainly from elastin fibers.

Below infographic tabulates the differences between collagen elastin and reticular fibers for side-by-side comparison.

Summary – Collagen Elastin vs Reticular Fibers

Collagen, elastin and reticular fibers are the three types of protein fibers found in connective tissues. Collagen fibers are the most abundant type of fibers in an extracellular matrix of connective tissue. They are made from collagen fibrils and they are the strongest and thickest fibers. Elastin fibers are prominent fibers in elastic tissues found in skin and the elastic ligaments of the vertebral column. They are made mainly from bundles of elastin proteins. Reticular proteins are extensively branched short fibers mainly found in organs that have lots of mesh-like internal structure. Hence, reticular fibers are abundant in spleen and lymphoid organs. Thus, this summarizes the difference between collagen elastin and reticular fibers.