Difference Between Collagen Powder and Collagen Pills (With Table)

When it comes to maintaining healthy skin, it’s important to take special care when it comes to the diet. Eating a healthy and balanced diet is essential to maintaining a healthy and beautiful complexion. One of the best ways to give the body the extra nutrients it needs is to add natural supplements to your diet. One such supplement is collagen, which is a natural protein that is found in the human body. Collagen powder and collagen pills are two very different products, so it’s important to be aware of the differences to find the appropriate option for your needs.

Once ingested, gelatin (the natural source of collagen) is broken down into amino acids that are used to aid in repairing various types of tissue, like skin, muscles, joints, and bones. Collagen is the most plentiful protein in your body. It’s found in skin, hair, nails, and connective tissue. You can’t live without it! Though collagen supplements are made from bovine sources, there is no need to worry about getting mad cow disease or any other animal-related illnesses.

Collagen powder contains more of the active peptides present in the supplement. Collagen pills are made using hydrolyzed collagen that is then put through a process that breaks down the chains of amino acids into smaller molecules. The result is a powder with better absorption for your body to break down and use more efficiently. If you want to boost your natural collagen production while also experiencing less pain and stiffness, try adding collagen to your diet today!

Collagen Powder vs Collagen Pills

The main difference between Collagen powder and Collagen Pills is that Collagen Powder contains more of the active peptides present in the supplement because it uses bovine sources instead of hydrolyzed collagen, whereas Pills are made using hydrolyzed collagen. Collagen powders are harder to digest, so they might be easier on your stomach if you have trouble taking pills! Pills are made using hydrolyzed collagen.

Collagen powder contains more of the active peptides present in the supplement, which means you need less of it to get the same benefits as a pill would provide. It also can be mixed into smoothies, juices, oatmeal, or other recipes for a healthier way to consume more collagen. Collagen powder is also more shelf-stable than its pill counterpart, which means you don’t have to worry about it going bad as quickly as some other supplements might.

In contrast, Pills are made using hydrolyzed collagen that is broken down into smaller chains of amino acids to be easier for your body to break down and absorb. This is helpful when you want to consume more than 100 milligrams of collagen in a sitting because it will not cause gastrointestinal issues like bloating or diarrhoea. Pills are also easier on your stomach because they don’t have any fibre content, so there’s less irritation from the acidity from the supplement travelling through your system.

Comparison Table Between Collagen Powder and Collagen Pills

Parameters of Comparison

Collagen Powder

Collagen Pills


Tasteless, Loose White-colored Powdered texture easily dissolves in any liquid

Cases or pills containing the normal collagen powder, pleasantly enveloped by bundling made of gelatin.


Come up with faster results

Takes a bit longer


More Versatile, Less Portability

Not so Versatile, More Portability


Hydrolyzed Collagen

Bovine Collagen

Way of Taking

Easy to take with Drinks and Foods

Swallowed like Any Pill

What is Collagen Powder?

Collagen powder is a supplement that can be added to your diet for several benefits. Collagen powder is made of collagen peptides—small chains of amino acids found in the body’s connective tissues, hair, skin, and nails. The powder comes from bovine sources, but there is no need to worry about getting sick since collagen powder is hydrolyzed. Hydrolyzed collagen contains more of the active peptides present in the supplement.

Collagen supplements are typically pills or tablets that are made using hydrolyzed collagen that has been put through a process that breaks down the chains of amino acids into smaller molecules. The result is a powder with better absorption for your body to break down and use more efficiently. Collagen powder is made using hydrolyzed collagen that is then put through a process that breaks down the chains of amino acids into smaller molecules.

The result is a powder with better absorption for your body to break down and use more efficiently. Collagen supplements are often used for their anti-ageing properties because they can help skin look smoother and reduce wrinkles. Collagen supplements are also good for joint pain relief because they improve joint function by boosting cartilage production, thereby reducing discomfort in bones and joints. If you’re interested in adding collagen to your diet, it can be found in products like bone broth or food items high in protein like eggs. Supplements are also an option if you want to get more specific about your dosage or have trouble swallowing.

What are Collagen Pills?

Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body. It’s found in skin, hair, nails, and connective tissue. You can’t live without it! Though collagen supplements are made from bovine sources, there is no need to worry about getting mad cow disease or any other animal-related illnesses.

Collagen powder contains more of the active peptides present in the supplement. Collagen pills are made using bovine sources, which means there is no need to worry about getting mad cow disease or any other animal-related illnesses. Collagen pills are often easier for your body to digest because they contain fewer active peptides compared to collagen supplements. This makes them less expensive than collagen supplements, meaning it could be a good option if you’re looking for an alternative solution.

Collagen pills are made using hydrolyzed collagen that is then put through a process that breaks down the chains of amino acids into smaller molecules. The result is a powder with better absorption for your body to break down and use more efficiently. If you want to boost your natural collagen production while also experiencing less pain and stiffness, try adding collagen to your diet today!

Main Differences Between Collagen Powder and Collagen Pills

  1. The first major difference is that collagen powder is made using hydrolyzed collagen, which breaks down the chains of amino acids into smaller molecules. This allows for easier absorption for your body to break down and use more efficiently. Collagen pills, on the other hand, contain more of the active peptides present in the supplement. Hydrolyzed collagen is expensive to make, so it won’t be as affordable—but if you want better absorption for your body to break down and use more efficiently, this could be a good option for you!
  2. Another key difference is how each type of collagen can impact your digestion. Collagen pills are created with less harmful ingredients than hydrolyzed collagen. This makes them easier to digest and less likely to cause stomach pain or gas. Collagen powders also need to be blended into a liquid before they can be consumed, which would require even more work on your part!
  3. Pills are also an easy way to regulate dosage sizes because it’s easier to keep track of how many you’ve taken than keeping track of how much you’ve mixed with water throughout the day, whereas Collagen Powder is less comfortable as compared to pills.
  4. Commonly, pills are comprised of a plant protein called cellulose. This container effectively crumbles once it arrives at your stomach. Then, at that point, very much like with a powdered enhancement, the collagen is separated further in the GI parcel and consumed into the circulatory system.
  5. Collagen powder is one of the most flexible and Versatile things in our kitchen. On the other hand, Collagen pills are not so versatile.


When it comes to what you put into your body, it’s important to know the facts. Having a complete understanding of what you’re taking and how it will help your body can help you make a more informed decision about what’s best for you. Both collagen powder and collagen pills are made from the same thing: pure collagen. However, the difference between these two products is in how they are ingested.

Collagen powder is a supplement that you add to food or drink, while collagen pills are taken orally with water. Collagen is a protein that’s found in your skin, hair, nails, and connective tissue. It’s the most plentiful protein in your body! If you’re looking to boost your collagen production or are experiencing less pain and stiffness, collagen powder or pills are an excellent option.

A pill form is a great option for those who want a supplement that is quick and easy to take. But, powder form may be a better option for those who want to add collagen to other foods and drinks. Ultimately, the choice should come down to what you’re looking for. Ultimately, both methods help you boost your natural collagen production while also experiencing less pain and stiffness. However, if you’re looking for something more affordable, you may want to consider opting for the pill form of these supplements.


  1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169409X97001191
  2. https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/abs/10.1089/jmf.2015.0022