Difference Between Communism and Fascism (With Table)

Humans have been a social animal since the beginning. Remnants of flourishing civilizations have been found all over the world and to control such a large number of people birth of different political ideologies took place.

Political ideologies have been there since the dawn of civilization. History is a witness that this globe has seen and is seeing a lot of bloodshed over the clash of ideologies. Different thinkers and ideologist gave their individual ideas and some of those ideas changed the course of history.

Two such political ideologies are Communism and Fascism.

Communism vs Fascism

The main difference between Communism and Fascism is that communism believes in a classless and stateless society wherein the political power is in hands of the community. Fascism believes that absolute powers reside with a dictator who controls all the decisions and laws of the state thereby leaving any case of community control.

Comparison Table Between  Communism and Fascisum

Parameter of Comparison




It is a political system in which each person is the contributor and receives according to their needs and ability. The “community” owns all the property and  there is an absolute wariness on capitalism

In this form of the political system, all the state property is owned by one dictator.


It has a simple philosophy; each one has to work for the state according to its ability but receives according to its need.

The glorification of the state through incessant intrusions and war and the only role of a citizen are to glorify the state and its policy

Political system

Ideally, it is a stateless system and is governed directly by citizens.

There is one dictator which rules over the state and has absolute authority. Advisers are picked by the dictator and there is no election while doing so.

Economic Policy

All the means of production, including natural resources, and private property are held by the community.

Self-sufficiency and the increased profit of the state.

Rulership structure

Ideally, there is no leader. The overall production is commonly owned and there is no single entity that owns it.

The overall production and assets are owned by one dictator. Capitalism prevails here so private businesses can thrive if in the interest of the state.


No religion is practiced.

The state only supports religions that are historically practiced in that state. Vis-à-vis citizens worship the state and its policy through patriotism and nationalism.

Famous promoters

Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin is some of the most famous communists. Others include Fidel Castro, Ho Chi Minh, etc.

Adolf Hitler, Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera are some of the most famous fascists.

What is Communism?

Communism is a political and economic ideology that believes in a communist society. This means that all the private and public properties are held by the community and no individual has complete ownership of their property.

This ideology is strictly against capitalism and believes in “stateless” control, practically this propaganda is not possible and therefore a single “communist party” oversees the regular working of a nation.

The topic was first tossed in Europe but USSR became the first state communist state. It followed the Marxism-Leninism ideology which is a derivate of communism.       

What is Fascism?

Fascism is a more extreme, far-right ideology that came into the limelight during the 19th and 20th centuries and starting losing its grip after Hitler’s loss in World War 2. It believes in forcible suppression of any political competitor and totalitarianism.

 A dictator is the head of state in this ideology and it enjoys all the power.  Fascism supports only the religion that is historically practiced in that state and abolishes all other religions. The greatest example of this statement can be the “Holocaust in Germany”, however showing support for state policies through nationalism is seem apt.

Fascism supports the idea of conflict and war and asserts the point that it is necessary to rejuvenate the glory of the lost history of the nation by expressing immense power.

Main Differences Between Communism and Fascism

  1. The major difference between communism and fascism is that all the private, public property, and national assets are owned by the community whereas in fascism all the state property is owned by the dictator.
  2. Communism works in the philosophy which is; each person should work for the community and should get according to their need whereas fascism clearly directs the citizen to work for the success and glorification of the state and its policy.
  3. The foundation of communism lies in the fact that it believes in a stateless and classless system and in contrary to it, fascism believes in total control of the state by a dictator, which enjoys absolute power. No elections are organized for the selection of advisers.
  4. As discussed above, all the natural resources and public property belongs to the community whereas it is the opposite in the case of fascism whereas the motive in fascism is to develop self-sufficiency through increased revenues.
  5. Ideally, there is no ruler in communism but practically it is seen that a single political party oversees the subtle affairs of the state but in fascism, the dictator is the ruler and can seek businessmen for increased revenue.
  6. Religion is banned in communism and some thinkers even termed it as a “drug” but in fascism, practicing dominant religions, which are historically practiced in that state, are allowed.  In fascism supporting the state’s glorification through nationalism is seen as a moral sign.


Political ideology is a must-know thing for citizens because we live in a world where a lot of change is taking place simultaneously and a lot of social change can be accredited to change in political ideology. Two of the important ideologies are Communism and Fascism.

Communism revolves around the concept of stateless and classless rule, whereas fascism talks about a single dictator. In communism, the citizens have to work according to their abilities but receive only according to their need  but in fascism, private businesses flourish if they are in the interest of the dictator,

