Difference Between Confession and Admission (With Table)

When it comes to the law of evidence knowing the difference between confession and admission is essential as they have varying degrees of importance when submitted as proof.

Moreover, they are not made part of the case records.

Main Differences Between Confession and Admission

  1. Confession is a voluntary statement by the accused directly acknowledging their guilt.
  2. Admission is a voluntary statement of a fact in issue or a relevant fact.
  3. Confession can only be made by the accused.
  4. Admission can be made by any party to the proceedings of a case or their agent, and in certain circumstances, by third parties as well.
  5. Confessions can only be made in criminal proceedings.
  6. Admissions can be made in both civil and criminal proceedings.  



The confession comes under the scope of admissions but while every confession is an admission, every admission is not a confession. The degree of proof provided by a confession is greater and more final.



  1. https://www.juridicainternational.eu/public/pdf/ji_2004_1_116.pdfeval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],\’_com-large-leaderboard-2\’,\’ezslot_14\’,550,\’0\’,\’0\’]));
  2. https://scholarlycommons.law.northwestern.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=3642&context=jclc