Difference Between Congruent and Similar (With Table)

Congruent’ and ‘Similar’ are the terms that are usually used in the mathematical concepts of shapes, sizes, and figures. Congruent figures are those figures that have the same structure, size, and shape and can be completely superimposed onto each other. Similar figures are those figures that look alike in shape but do not have the same measurements as the other figure.

Congruent vs Similar

The main difference between congruent and similar is that congruent shapes have identical measurements and coincide with each other when superimposed whereas similar shapes resemble each other but do not have identical measurements and never coincide with each other.

Congruent figures might or might not have the same placing orientation in general or in 3D whereas similar figures can’t have the same placing or orientation.

Congruent figures are the accurate geometric figures that can be placed and rotated to superimpose each other and produce replicas but similar figures can’t replicate each other because they are unequal in size.


Comparison Table Between Congruent and Similar (in Tabular Form)

Parameters of Comparison




Congruent is the term that refers to the figures or anything, in general, that is the same in size and shape and can superimpose each other.

Similar is used for the figures or other things that resemble each other in the size and shape but are not identical to each other in terms of measurements.


Congruent figures usually follow the mathematical principle of the S.S.S theorem where the measurements of all sides and angles in two figures are the same.

Similar or identical figures do not follow any such rule. The shape, sides, and angles of the two figures can vary differently.


Congruent figures are geometrically precise and superimposing figures.

Similar is the loosed term to define the identical figures that resemble each other in shape largely.


Congruent figures superimpose each other even when they are placed in different orientations. That can be done by rotating the figures.

Similar figures do not superimpose each other even when they are placed in the same orientation.

Multiplicity of meanings

Congruent can also be used as the adjective to describe the objects or experiences that can be superimposed or are coincidental.

Similar can also be used as an adjective to describe things or objects that are linked because of their similar nature. It is also used for comparisons.


What is meant by the term Congruent?

Congruent is the term used to refer to the figures, shapes, objects, or anything that have equal dimensions of shape and size. These figures superimpose each other completely because of their equal size and measures. These are the accurate mathematical and geometrical figures that follow the S.S.S (side, side, side) theorem that means they have all sides and angles equal.

These figures can be superimposed to each other even in the different orientations or placing just by rotating them till they fit together. Congruent figures are identical to each other in terms of dimensions and are using the concepts of precision in the mathematical world.

‘Congruent’ as a term can be used in multiple ways. In some cases, it is used as an adjective to specifically describe the objects or experiences that are superimposed or coincidental. It can also define the motivational or intrinsically linked ideals and principles of people.


What is meant by the term Similar?

Similar is the loose term that is used to define the figures that look identical in shape and size. These kinds of figures do not superimpose each other because they are not to equal dimensions to each other. Thus, these figures do not produce replicas of each other.

Similar figures do not follow any mathematical concepts or principles because they are exactly not equal in dimensions or shape. These figures can be used for comparison purposes or to get just a rough idea about the shapes and sizes. They do not superimpose and never fit in each other’s orientation of placing.

The term ‘similar’ can also be used in multiple contexts. It is used as an adjective to compare or to link objects or experiences of a similar nature. The similarity is not the precise concept but helps the person to get a brief hint of the principles and ideals when linked together.

Main Differences Between Congruent and Similar

  1. Congruent is the term used for the figures or shapes that are identical to each other in terms of shape and size whereas similar is the term that refers to the figures that look alike but do not have equal dimensions.
  2. Congruent is the precise term that is generally used for identical and geometric figures whereas similar is the term that is used to get a loose idea about the figures. 
  3. The concept of congruent figures follows stringent mathematical principles and theorems whereas similar figures do not follow any such concepts.
  4. Congruent figures superimpose each other and can produce replicas whereas similar figures can’t superimpose each other.
  5. The term congruent can be used as an adjective to denote the coincidental and superimposed incidents whereas similar is used to define the experience or objects of similar nature.



Congruent and similar are the terms of the mathematical and the geometric arena. These are usually used in the concepts of precision and measurements. Congruent figures are those figures that are equal in dimension and can superimpose each other whereas similar figures are those figures that look identical but do not superimpose each other.

Congruent figures can produce replicas of each other no matter in what orientation they are placed but similar figures are the figures that can never produce replicas because of their unequal dimensions. Congruency is a concept follows mathematical theorems and principles but similar figures do not follow any such concepts.

Both these terms can be used in wider contexts to describe various other things.  The term congruent is often used as an adjective to refer to objects or experiences that can be superimposed and are coincidental whereas similar is the loose concept to link the objects or experiences that are identical.


  1. https://study.com/academy/lesson/similar-figures-definition-examples.htm
  2. lhttps://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/congruent