Difference Between Crystal and Lead Crystal (With Table)

Antiques play a major role in representing a texture. From its finest finishing to carving every corner of it, Crystal and Lead Crystals have been dominating this field for a long time. From reflecting lights to look beautiful to its durability, things have been improved. However, these two terms are different from each other.

Crystal vs Lead Crystal

The main difference between crystal and lead Crystal is that the crystal is a traditional method of carving structures into glass materials, while the lead crystal is a modern way of carving to maximize strength and beauty. Also, if we see the names, these two are different by the term lead involved in lead crystal.

The crystal is a material from which glass materials are made. It’s basically a simple type of glass that has a traditional value. Delicate in nature and less robust, crystals seemed quite ineffective in case of usage since a light jolt would crack the material or even destroy the piece.

The lead crystal is a modern method to form and make glass materials. Since it contains lead in it, it has a robust and more reflecting quality that enhances the beauty of the piece. These are generally used to make crystal glasses, decanters, and goblets in various movies. Also, the addition of lead oxides increases the refractive index of glass that allows light to move faster.

Comparison Table Between Crystal and Lead Crystal

Parameters of Comparison


Lead Crystal


A crystal is a material that is delicate and used to make antique pieces.

A lead crystal is a material that has strength and is used to make crystal glasses strong.


Well, crystal is a traditional material to make items out of it.

Lead crystal is a modern substance that enhances the quality of the piece.

Price range

Crystals are comparatively cheap.

Lead crystals are expensive since it’s advanced material.

Making and machinery

Crystals involve machines in the making process.

Lead crystal is blown and cut by hands to give it a favorable texture.


Crystal sparkle less since it’s an older material without any advancements. Also, the refractive index is low.

Lead crystal sparkles more since it has a more refractive index that allows light to move faster.

What is Crystal?

This world is made up of atoms, from a human body to plants and species. Billions of trillions of atoms come together to form a structure that has a meaning in it. Crystal, or we say crystalline solid, which is made up of atoms and molecules in the crystal structure that has a beautiful and important meaning.

Well, crystals examples could be snowflakes, diamonds, table salt. The main usage of crystals is in pseudoscientific practices like crystal therapy with gemstones. Also, in spellwork, a crystalline solid or a crystal is the main dominating component.

They form a lattice that goes in every direction. The study involved is known as crystallography. It’s derived from an ancient Greek word, krystallos means I’ve and rock crystal. It’s an atomic arrangement called a crystal structure. They are arranged in a periodic manner. Of course, not every solid is considered a crystal.

Crystals have a wide range of uses. It’s used to design ornamental and jewelry. It’s also used for decoration purposes. There are crystal balls to perform several beliefs and practices. There are industrial uses as well. Quartz uses crystal in their watches and other materials to make the piece beautiful and sparkling. Also, spherical crystals are made because it’s believed that they radiate energy in all directions. Also, these are used in the healing process.

What is Lead Crystal?

Things kept on changing with the rotating time. From bullocks as means of transportation to airplanes and waterways. Everything kept on improving and became precious over time. Similarly, when we calculated problems in a normal crystal, lead was added, and a new term came up a lead crystal.

The addition of lead oxides increases the refractive index of the crystal that allows light to refract rapidly, which gives a glowing texture and a glittering view. Lead crystal objects have a more refractive index than normal crystal glass. Also, lead crystal glasses remain malleable for a longer time and also allow experts to work on them with ease.

However, it’s not recommended to drink from a lead crystal glass. It has a risk of contaminating your drink since the material consists of lead. Also, it differs with time. If the liquid remains longer period, it will dissolve in the liquid in excess that could lead to kidney problems in the future.

Lead crystal is a modern modified material. Unlike crystal that’s real, lead crystal isn’t considered pure. Well, the usage and properties are indeed better and advanced than traditional crystal. These are generally found in decanters, goblets, vintage items. Also, there are several replacements available for the lead crystal.

Main Differences Between Crystal and Lead Crystal

  1. The original crystal is a traditional substance that’s pure, while the lead crystal is a modified version of crystal.
  2. The crystal is pure, less malleable, and less robust, while the lead crystal is less pure, more malleable, and more robust.
  3. A normal crystal has no lead in it, while the lead crystal has lead oxide that increases the refractive index.
  4. Liquids poured in normal crystals are less life-threatening, while the liquid poured in lead crystals is more life-threatening since the lead dissolves in the liquid.
  5. A normal crystal is cheaper, while a lead crystal is expensive.


With passing day, there’s a change in everything. Advancements are indeed necessary to update and resolve issues faced. Crystals and lead crystals are examples of modernization and fulfill demands and needs.

The original crystal is less expensive, uses pieces of machinery in the making process, less robust, a lesser refractive index that allows light to pass in more time. On the other hand, lead crystals contain lead oxides that increased the index that makes the material sparkling and attractive.


  1. https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1999pcg..book…..P/abstract
  2. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/014067369190803W